Need to add API keys to: /frontend/src/config/firebase.js /frontend/src/config/firebaseConfig.json /sockets/src/config/firebase.js
For development:
Frontend: Go to frontend. Run yarn start
Backend: Go to sockets. Run yarn server
, yarn serverShortTimers
, or yarn serverSuperShortTimers
. The latter two divide the amount of time the timers run for by 5-25x less.
You can run them both together with pm2. It sometimes got a bit buggy I believe so I went back to separately running them.
The logs for the backend are located at sockets/logs/g-app.log
For production:
Mistakenly made this based on using Google Cloud/Firebase. I don't think there's any way to not pay too much for Google Cloud Run when sockets are needed (persistant connections). Either all of this goes to Google Cloud or some changes with Firebase config/setting up may be needed and host it any where.
Goal will be to move to Supabase and having more instructions in general.
Google Cloud: Install Firebase CLI npm install -g firebase-tools Or can use Homebrew or other package managers
in /frontend/
firebase login
don't do firebase init
yarn build
firebase deploy
in /sockets/
Some initial commands:
gcloud init
gcloud auth list
gcloud config list
gcloud config set account ACCOUNT
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
gcloud app deploy
Using Cloud Logging in Firebase too
To run Cypress tests locally, first run the server (located in ../sockets).
Then the frontend app:
$ yarn start
Then finally run Cypress:
$ yarn run cypress:open
And then run smoke-test.js