A simple, static, pomodoro timer with React.
- Add or remove time with a step of 5 minutes, up to 60 minutes.
- Reset button set timer to your previously set time.
- Press ctrl and left click on reset will set timer to 25 minutes.
- When time is up, you can restart timer directly.
- Type of challenge: learning
- Repository :
- Deadline : 22/10/2021 23:59 pm
- Team : solo
- Author : Yves Thirion
- Display a big timer (minutes and seconds).
- Four buttons:
- plus (+) and minus (-), they will allow the user to adjust the minutes counter - only when it's stopped.
- start, to run the timer (it will then change to stop), to serve as a toggle button
- reset, to… reset the timer to its original value
- At the end of the timer, show a modal to invite user to take a break. The modal will have two buttons:
- One to close the modal
- Another to close the modal and start a new timer