FlexPS is a Parameter-Server based system that introduces a novel multi-stage abstraction to support flexible parallelism control, which is crucial for the efficient execution of machine learning tasks with dynamic workloads. Distinguishing system designs such as stage scheduler, stage-aware consistency controller, flexible model preparation, and direct model transfer are introduced to support efficient multi-stage machine learning. FlexPS includes optimizations such as customizable parameter partition, customizable KV-server, and repetitive get avoidance to support general machine learning. FlexPS achieves significant speedups and resource saving compared with existing PS systems.
Note: some functionalites are in dev branch.
Download the source code with submodule Husky.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Yuzhen11/flexps-paper-version.git
Go to the project root and do an out-of-source build using CMake:
mkdir debug
cd debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make help # List all build target
make $ApplicationName # Build application
make ClusterManagerMainWithContext # Build ClusterManagerMainWithContext
make -j # Build all applications with all threads
The config file is almost the same as husky config file with some extra parameters. We need to add the following parameters:
- cluster_manager_host (the same with master_host)
- cluster_manager_port (should be a different port from master_port)
- worker_port (a new port for worker to listen for the instructions)
- task_scheduler (greedy or sequential)
A sample config file is attached (Make sure to set your hostname and port accordingly):
Check the examples in examples directory.
First make sure that the ClusterManagerMainWithContext is running. Use the following to start the ClusterManagerMainWithContext
./ClusterManagerMainWithContext -C /path/to/your/conf
In the distributed environment, use the following to execute workers on all machines,
./exec.sh <executable> --conf /path/to/your/conf
In the single-machine environment, use the following,
./<executable> --conf /path/to/your/conf