Releases: Yihao-Shi/GeoTaichi
Releases · Yihao-Shi/GeoTaichi
New release for GeoTaichi 0.3.0
Bugs fix:
- Fix the support domain of B-Spline MPM.
- Fix bugs when simulating with MLSMPM.
- Fix bugs when computing the intersection area of sphere and triangle.
- Fix bugs when finding neighbors between MPM and patches.
New features:
- A high-performance and memory saving Level-set DEM module and coupling with MPM.
- Complex boundaries generated by the digital elevation model.
- Flexibly generate level set particle from mathematical-based, geometry-based and polygon-based DEM model.
- Add energy tracking functions, i.e., kinetic, gravitational, friction, damping, contact energy, for DEM particles.
- Add hierarchical linked-cell method for polydisperse granular systems.
- Add energy conserving model for irregular particles, the energy function includes linear model, hertz model and barrier and smooth friction model.
- Add explicit single point two phase MPM module.
- More advanced contact algorithm in MPM, including MPMContact, GeoContact, and DEMContact,
- More advanced shape functions, including linear function, gradient smoothed linear functions, GIMP, quadratic and cubic B-Spline.
- Two-dimensional and Axisymmetric MPM modules.
- Add total lagrangian MPM modulus.
- More stabilization techniques in MPM, including $\nabla \bar{v}$, APIC, TPIC and particle shifting method.
- Add sparse data structure for background grid in MPM.
- Automatically delete overlap MPM and DEM before simulation.
New release for GeoTaichi 0.2.0
Bugs fix:
- Fix some typos in MPM and MPDEM (#1).
- Fix bugs when generate MPM bodies (#2).
- Fix incorrect results when simulating Newtonian Fluids (#5 ).
- Fix history overlap inheritance in DEM module.
- Fix incorrect parameter calculation in Hertz-Mindlin Model.
- Less GPU memory allocation in MPM modules.
- Ignore unnecessary warnings from taichi.
New features:
- More stable and accurate advanced constitutive models.
- Biaxial and Triaxial shear test for Mohr-Coulomb model.
- Add some comments for kernel functions (#3 ) (by cloneorcopy).
- Install package from pip:
pip install geotaichi
. - Generate MPM bodies from txt/obj/ply/stl files, see example.
A package includes material point method, discrete element method and material point-discrete element method