This repo is used to interact with protobuf data for kafka. We have a python producer that creates several outputs on kafka, each topic with its own schema. From here on you can use kafka connect or other technologies to push the data to other solutions.
The data itself was taken from a kaggle competition.
You will need the following tools to get started:
- Python 3
- Installation of requirements.txt in a virtualenv
- Install docker and docker-compose
- Run docker-compose before starting
The following proto files are present
- etf.proto: A simple proto file with basic datatypes
- etf_complex.proto: A proto file with complex data types
- etf_http_ref.proto: A proto file that has an http link as a reference
The docker environment can be started with the single command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
The following technologies will be started:
- Confluent center and all related technologies
- ElasticSearch and Kibana
- MySql
- InfluxDB
The following script needs to be executed:
You will need to set the working directory to the root of the project.
The code can run in different modes by supplying the flag --type
, these 3 types are:
- producer_run
- whylogs_run
- pandasprofile_run
The last 2 types require that the producer has already run and data is in the topics. The goal of the last 2 is to provide data profiling.
An other flag is minimal_profiling
which allows us to control the behaviour of pandasprofile_run
. By default this is set to true,
when switched to false, it will a deeper analysis, which requires more time.
To see if data profiling can be done, 2 additional libraries have been added:
The idea is to evaluate how much additional useful information they bring to a kafka project if schemas are already enforced. By choosing the correct type you can see the output of each file.
The repo also contains an example of a kafka connector under the folder kafka-connect
The file present will start a kafka connect job that will read the data from the configured topic and write it to
You can run the following command from the kafka-connect directory
curl -X POST http://localhost:8083/connectors -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '@etf-2-elk.json'
Additional connectors have been added and can be run with the above command. Don't forget to alter the data input.
If you want you can install additional kafka connectors by editing the file in docker/DockerfileConnect
To make the maintenance easier, we install connectors through the command confluent-hub install
If confluent-hub
is not present I suggest you download the individual zip files, place them in the docker directory
and unzip them. Using the ADD
command in docker, you can add the individual directories.
If you want to change the versions of certain images or change the repo from where you want to pull (in case you have mirrored
the images), you can edit the .env
file, which is present in the root directory.
If you want to verify if the data is in elasticsearch you will need to create an index. This can be done from the
kibana console, which is reachable from the URL http://localhost:5601
Once the index is created you can create the dev tool to query the data as per the screenshot
If you want to use Ksql Db you will need to exec into the docker image of the ksqldb-cli. From here you can start the interactive query mode by using the command:
ksql http://ksqldb-server:8088
Before starting your query sessions here are some values you might set before starting to query:
SET 'ksql.streams.cache.max.bytes.buffering' = '10000000';
SET 'auto.offset.reset' = 'earliest';
If you have a complex schema in protobuf and want to create a stream on top you need to specify VALUE_SCHEMA_FULL_NAME and set it to the root message
CREATE STREAM etf_dummy_data_complex_stream WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='etf_dummy_data_complex',VALUE_FORMAT='PROTOBUF',VALUE_SCHEMA_FULL_NAME='etf_complex');
If you want to contribute, please abide by the following rules:
- Create a feature branch and add your changes
- Create a pull request to merge into master
- Have a reviewer and merge