YaSF is a serverless framework that aims to break vendor lock-in barriers while allowing the use of provider-specific functionalities. This framework defines agnostic infrastructure based on the Constructs Programming Model developed by AWS but also utilised in Terraform, Kubernetes and Projen.
To install the dependency, run:
npm i @yasf-serverless/core
or for yarn:
yarn add @yasf-serverless/core
Use YaSF agnostic constructs to define your infrastructure. Currently YaSF is available in TypeScript. Here is an example of a stack deploying a Python serverless function:
class ExampleStack extends GenericStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, name: string) {
super(scope, name);
new GenericProvider(this, {
continent: CONTINENTS.Europe,
coordinates: COORDINATES.West,
location: "2",
const functionAssets = new FunctionAssets({
path: "build",
archiveName: "src.zip",
bundlingCommands: [
"cp -r src/app/* build/",
"cd build && zip -r src.zip ."
new GenericFunction(this, "function-example", {
handler: "lambda_handler",
functionAssets: functionAssets,
entrypoint: "main"
const app = new App({
context: {
provider: process.env.PROVIDER
new ExampleStack(app, "example-stack");
Add at least one YaSF resolver by first installing it:
npm i @yasf-serverless/cdktf-aws-resolver
or for yarn:
yarn add @yasf-serverless/cdktf-aws-resolver
And then adding its name as a configuration item in your package.json
to enable it:
"yasf": {
"resolvers": [
While this step is optional, your serverles functions cwill likely need to be deployed in a specific way. YaSF currently provides an abstraction library for Python functions. Add yasf-python
to your dependencies and use it in your code as below:
from yasf import entrypoint, GenericContext
# This decorator takes care of the whole abstraction process of both inputs and outputs
def lambda_handler(event: dict, context: GenericContext):
# event and context are received in the same format independently of the cloud provider
# Developer provided code
# ...
Run the following command to deploy your application. You can optionally append a resolver to specifically deploy against that resolver. Otherwise, all enabled resolvers will be deployed.
npx yasf deploy
Next steps for YaSF are to add more resolvers to support additonal cloud providers and to add more constructs and abstractions to allow multiple combinations and integrations. There are plans to also add support for other languages, both for Infrastructre as Code and serverless functions' abstractions. Any contribution is welcome!