To be added later on.
- Download the module zip from the dist folder
- Open Titanium Studio
- Go to Help in menu and click on Install Mobile Module
- Point to the zip file and install into your project
- (NOT NEEDED ANYMORE)Rename android_support-v4.jar to android_support-v4.disabled.jar located:
- on OS X: /Users/(your username)/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/(your titanium version)/android/
The initialization of the module requires a handle to the scrollable view. If the scrollable view is in xml, you can create a new controller for the scrollable view and then pass it in as the view.
var myListView = Ti.UI.createListView({
height: Ti.UI.FILL,
width: Ti.UI.FILL
var swipeRefreshModule = require('com.xorcode.swiperefreshlayout');
var swipeRefresh = swipeRefreshModule.createSwipeRefresh({
view: myListView,
height: Ti.UI.FILL,
width: Ti.UI.FILL
If you want to modify the 4 colours used in the progress bars at the top, modify the colors.xml file in (module folder)/platform/android/res/values which looks like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Declare SwipeRefreshLayout color scheme here -->
<color name="color1">#1996BE</color>
<color name="color2">#48B6D9</color>
<color name="color3">#80D3ED</color>
<color name="color4">#C2F0FF</color>
A refreshing event is fired when the swipe gesture is completed.
swipeRefresh.addEventListener('refreshing', function() {
// Put your refresh code here
Used to stop the progress bar animation when refreshing is done.
The state of the SwipeRefreshLayout, whether the animation is showing or not.
var isRefreshing = swipeRefresh.isRefreshing();