#agent-tools A collection of tools to allow local & remote loading of agents into the JVM.
It provides 12 methods :
(local version) -> Works on the local JVM.
- load (ClassFileTransformer ctf) -> loads a ClassFileTransformer
- remove (ClassFileTransformer ctf) -> removes a ClassFileTransformer
- reset (String... classNames) -> loads the original version of the class (w/o any bytecode modifications)
- retransform (ClassFileTransformer ctf, String... classNames) -> retransforms the classes using ctf
- redefine(String... classNames) -> redefines the classes using the currently loaded ctfs
- getObjectSize(Object obj) -> returns the size of the object in bytes
(remote version) -> Same as local, but working on a remote JVM.
- load (int pid, ClassFileTransformer ctf) -> see above
- remove (int pid, ClassFileTransformer ctf) -> see above
- reset (int pid, String... classNames) -> see above
- retransform (int pid, ClassFileTransformer see above
- redefine(int pid, String... classNames) -> see above
- loadJar(int pid, String jarName, byte[] jarBytes) -> loads the .jar in the remote VM class path
Local :
AgentTools loads itself in the running JVM as .jar. Because everything needed is in CP already, the generated .jar contains the needed MANIFEST.MF only.
Remote :
AgentTools creates a .jar with the required classes and loads into the alien VM. Inside the alien VM, the agent.jar creates a MBean which facades the functionality. Back in the initial VM, we JMX proxy the MBean to access the functionality.
Check test classes. Here below some quick example.
class Dog {
void bark() {} // silent dog
class Example {
public static void Main(String...)
final ClassFileTransformer ctf = new Onomatopoeia("woof-woof", "Dog"); // This transformer changes the Dog class to console out the given onomatopoeia
new Dog().bark(); // prints woof-woof
new Dog().bark(); // silence
AgentTools.retransform(ctf, "Dog");
new Dog().bark(); // prints woof-woof
new Dog().bark(); // still woof-woof
AgentTools.add(new Onomatopoeia("bup-bup", "Dog"));
new Dog().bark(); // prints bup-bup. The dog just learned Catalan !