This is forked from git commit rev d0914154ebd0b69f5f2cc2c4a83c5fd2396282d3 of the original FarmHud curse forge repository
If you want to support the original author, plz donate to their Patreon or PayPal.
- remove minimap button
- add GatherMate support - GatherMate v1.03
- add Gatherer support - Gatherer-TBC-FarmHud-Compatible
- add Routes support - Routes-TBC-FarmHud-Compatible
- add right click mouse movement when mouse is enabled
- added commands:
- toggles farmhud overlay/fh mouse
toggles mouse enable for overlay to mouseover tracking nodes (YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO CLICK THROUGH TO HERB/MINE/WHATEVER THOUGH)
- added options menu in the interface options
- added option to make FarmHUD automatically toggle on mount/dismount
- enable/disable GatherMate, Gatherer, Routes display