This project is abandoned, use bercon-cli instead - it has good implementation and support
is the command line interface for the BattlEye RCON protocol
provides a convenient way to interact with the server using the
BattlEye RCON (Remote Console) protocol.
This tool allows you to execute various commands,
control the server, and track responses from the server.
It is suitable for such servers as Arma2, Arma3, DayZ, etc. using the protocol BERConProtocol, with a full list of games you can check out the full list of games on the BattlEye website
You can download the latest version of the programme by following the links Linux or Windows
For Linux you can also use the command
curl -#SfLo /usr/bin/bercon \
chmod +x /usr/bin/bercon
bercon -h && bercon -V
Or do the build yourself
git clone https://github.com/WoozyMasta/bercon
cd bercon
cargo build
Usage: bercon [OPTIONS] --password <PASSWORD> <COMMAND>
cli Open interactive CLI
exec Execute a command (e.g. commands or players)
listen Listen for server responses
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-i, --ip <IP> Server IPv4 address [env: BERCON_IP=] [default:]
-p, --port <PORT> Server UDP port [env: BERCON_PORT=] [default: 2305]
-P, --password <PASSWORD> Password [env: BERCON_PASSWORD]
-t, --timeout <TIMEOUT> Timeout in seconds [env: BERCON_TIMEOUT=] [default: 45]
-k, --keepalive <KEEPALIVE> Keepalive in seconds [env: BERCON_KEEPALIVE=] [default: 30]
-d, --debug Print debug messages and data
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
If the timeout is set to less than the connection control,
then the connection control value will also change to the set value.
Connection control cannot be set for more than 45 seconds,
because it makes no sense, and all larger values will be set to 45 seconds.
You can use arguments, variables, or a combination of both
bercon -p 2306 -P myPass exec players
BERCON_PASSWORD=myPass BERCON_PORT=2306 bercon exec players
BERCON_PASSWORD=myPass bercon -p 2306 exec players
The argument value has the highest priority over the environment variable
# pas$$word will be used
BERCON_PASSWORD='strong' bercon -P 'pas$$word' exec players
Don't forget to use inverted commas, as passwords and commands may contain
command line control characters.
When you use arguments with -
such as say -1
, you should specify --
to tell the program,
that the argument analysis is complete
bercon --ip --port 2306 --password 'pas$$word' exec -- '#lock'
bercon -i -p 2306 -P 'pas$$word' exec -- '#unlock'
bercon -t1 -i -p 2306 -P 'pas$$word' exec -- say -1 'Hello world!'
You can also use variables to store parameters for different servers in different files
# in the ~/.server-1.env file
# read the file and execute the command
. .server-1.env && bercon exec players
An example function that will allow you to execute commands on several of your DayZ servers at the same time
Functions can be placed in ~/.bashrc
for quick access to them
dayz-all-rcon() {
for i in $(seq 1 "$DAYZ_SERVERS_COUNT"); do
printf '[%s] ' "Server-$i"
. "~/.server-$i.env".
bercon -t1 exec -- "$1";
# show players on all servers
dayz-all-rcon players
# ban GUIDs permanently on all servers
dayz-all-rcon addBan "$GUID" 0 cheater
This example will allow you to conveniently perform a delayed restart on all DayZ servers at the same time, notifying players that a restart is imminent
This example recycles the function from the previous example
dayz-all-restart() {
local timer="${1:-120}" step="${2:-10}"
dayz-all-rcon '#lock'
dayz-all-rcon say -1 "Server locked for new connection, restart after $timer seconds"
for i in $(seq "$timer" "-$step" 0); do
sleep "$step"
dayz-all-rcon say -1 "Restart server after $timer seconds"
dayz-all-rcon '#shutdown'
# restart all servers after 120 (default) seconds
# restart all servers after 360 seconds
dayz-all-restart 360
At the time of writing, the modified version of the DayZ server for Linux has a problem with server stopping (T179734), you may need to additionally monitor the state of the process. As one solution for example script DayZ Linux Server watchdog
With this example, you can stop and shut down all DayZ servers before maintaining your server
This example utilises the function from the previous example
dayz-all-shutdown() {
dayz-all-restart "${1:-120}" "${2:-10}"
for i in $(seq 1 "$DAYZ_SERVERS_COUNT"); do
systemctl --user stop "dayz-server@$i.service" &
systemctl --user disable "dayz-server@$i.service"
# shutdown all servers after 360 seconds
dayz-all-shutdown 360