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A display-server neutral fan controller for Nvidia cards on linux


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About this project

This program is intended to be a more polished attempt at implementing many of the common Wayland-compatible Nvidia fan controller scripts available out there in Rust with support for both Xorg/X11 and Wayland. Pascal and newer GPUs are supported.

Setup & Usage Instructions

Security disclaimer: due to design limitations in how Nvidia have implemented fan-controls via the nvidia-settings interface a sudoers.d file (such as the one included with this project) specifically for the nvidia-settings binary is required in order to avoid password prompts when changing fan speeds using automation. This project takes absolutely no responsibility for any damage or other such negative implications caused by the use of this or any other open-source program.

Nix/NixOS Install Instructions

If you want to use the cachix build cache you can run the following command to add the substituter and public key to your trusted-substituters list on NixOS:

sudo nix flake check github:WombatFromHell/veridian-controller

Then integrate this repo as a flake input in your flake.nix like so:

# Your flake.nix should look something like this
  description = "My NixOS configuration flake";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    # nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; # if using standalone
    veridian.url = "github:WombatFromHell/veridian-controller";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, veridian, ... }: {
    nixosConfigurations = {
      hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        modules = [
          ./configuration.nix # Your config with 'hardware.nvidia' enabled

          veridian.nixosModules.default # ADD OUR DEFAULT MODULE

        # add a sudoers rule for 'nvidia-settings' so you can use fan control support
        security.sudo = {
          extraRules = [
              # you can use a group like 'wheel' for admin access if you like
              # groups = ["wheel"];
              users = ["<change this to your username>"];
              commands = [
                  command = "${config.hardware.nvidia.package.bin}/bin/nvidia-settings";
                  options = ["NOPASSWD"];

        # somewhere else in your config...
        environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
        # or, if you're using home-manager...
        home.packages = with pkgs; [

Non-Nix Install Instructions

Now, with that out of the way, you can find release binaries as AppImage files under the Actions section on the GitHub project page or versioned releases on the Releases page.

Before using veridian-controller you'll probably want to setup your environment to use it with the least amount of friction:

  • Make or edit the provided sudoers file under /etc/sudoers.d/ like so:

    sudo touch /etc/sudoers.d/99-nvidia-settings && \
    sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/99-nvidia-settings && \
    sudoedit /etc/sudoers.d/99-nvidia-settings
  • You'll want the content to be something like the following:

yourusernamehere ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/nvidia-settings
# alternatively you can use a group name like 'wheel'
# %yourgroupnamehere ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/nvidia-settings
  • Customize the veridian-controller.toml config file created after running veridian-controller under ~/.config/veridian-controller.toml:
# represents temperature thresholds in celsius (must be monotonically increasing)
temp_thresholds = [40, 50, 60, 78, 84]
# represents target fan speed when crossing the matching temp threshold (must be monotonically increasing)
fan_speeds =      [46, 55, 62, 80, 100]
# the lowest fan speed that registers RPMs on the GPU fans
fan_speed_floor = 46
# this will either be 80 or 100 depending on what gen GPU you have
fan_speed_ceiling = 100
# the sampling window for averaging is comprised of X samples every Y seconds
sampling_window_size = 10
# the insensitivity boundary to speed/temperature changes
hysteresis = 3
# how frequently to poll the GPU for data
global_delay = 2
# how infrequently to send fan speed adjustments
fan_dwell_time = 10
# special mode that tries to smoothly adjust between the current speed and the target speed
smooth_mode = true
# increase incr_weight for less responsiveness when temperatures are increasing
smooth_mode_incr_weight = 1.0
# increase decr_weight for less responsiveness when temperatures are decreasing
smooth_mode_decr_weight = 4.0
# max amount of fan speed change per smooth mode adjustment period
smooth_mode_max_fan_step = 5
  • A user-level systemd service file is included in the project directory as an example to customize for your convenience

  • For example, one common installation environment (as a user-level systemd service that runs when the user logs in):

    mkdir -p ~/.local/bin ~/.config/systemd/user && \
    cp -f veridian-controller.AppImage ~/.local/bin/veridian-controller.AppImage && \
    ln -sf ~/.local/bin/veridian-controller.AppImage ~/.local/bin/veridian-controller && \
    cp -f veridian-controller.service ~/.config/systemd/user && \
    systemctl --user daemon-reload && systemctl --user enable --now veridian-controller


A display-server neutral fan controller for Nvidia cards on linux






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