There was random addon called WCG for 1.8 (and earlier wesnoth versions) maintained by grrr. As one day grrr went on a wesbreak I took it and continue maintaing all of that stuff for a while (that was the time when the name changed to RMP). Now as I decided not to support RMP anymore new addon called RBY has to emerge.
- Adv + Con - Adventurous + Conservative
- Adventurous - new maps made by Doc as well as best UMC maps
- Classic - conservative maps from previous mainline release
- Conservative - maps distributed with wesnoth
- No mirror era ported to work with MP campaigns
- No ally mirror era: prohibits sharing faction with allies, but not with opponents.
- Classic 2v2 - includes Clash, Loris River, Paths of Daggers, and Xanthe Chaos
- Interactive - negotiate a map pool with your opponent via menus, then play on it