The goal is to set up the code for a generic online Internet Forum which can be taylored to needs for various purposes.
This is a place where developers can learn the ropes of software collaboration and how to go about github projects. Our very experienced and super patient host Niclas is guiding us all the way.
We work in 2 groups towards our common goal: One team is responsible for the backend functionalities the other is providing the code needed on the frontend side.
We meet once a week to discuss what needs to be done. We start out as a joined group and then usually we split up into the frontend and the backend teams.
New members are welcome to join either group!
Install XAMPP.
Within the xampp/htdocs directory: Checkout the forked project.
Setup the project:
# composer install
# npm install
# php artisan key:generate
Create an .env file based on the keys given in env.example file.
Open the XAMPP control panel and start the MySQL and Apache services.
In your PhpMyAdmin frontend create a database named like the database defined in DB_DATABASE in your .env file.
Create datatables and mockup data:
# php artisan migrate --seed
Create a mailtrap account. Put your mailtrap credentials (MAIL_MAILER, MAIL_HOST, MAIL_PORT, MAIL_USERNAME, MAIL_PASSWORD) in the .env file and set MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS to a email address of your choice.
Ready, go!
Install new backend packages:
# composer install
Install new frontend packages:
# npm install
Grab database changes:
# php artisan migrate
Optional: If you also want to create mockup data:
# php artisan db:seed
Optional: If you want to refresh all DB tables (this deletes all data stored before!):
# php artisan migrate:fresh
# php artisan cache:clear
# php artisan route:clear
# php artisan view:clear