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percepo edited this page Aug 19, 2023 · 11 revisions


wenum is a wfuzz fork. The tool itself has a great documentation, but in short: wenum is supposed to help you enumerate a target web application's available directories. As primitive as this may sound, this is not easy if you do not have the source code, and there are multiple great tools (ffuf, feroxbuster, and, well, wfuzz to name a few) that will help you with this problem.

Did you just say "multiple great tools with the same use case"?

Yes, kind of. First of all, we believe all of them have a solid base, and some things they do particularly well. But there is a reason why we forked, other than just wanting to click the fork button (though clicking on buttons is always funny). There is also a reason why we chose wfuzz as a base. Python is a language we enjoy coding in, and wfuzz is written in Python. Additionally, wfuzz contains a plugin system that makes it easy to test out features before adding them to the core, or simply letting a feature live eternally as a plugin if it is not important enough to go in there. With these reasons we have added some stuff, adjusted some others, and even removed some features. Little by little, it is starting to look different from it's origin, and we expect wenum will differ from wfuzz a little more with every commit that is happening.

Most importantly, we want to create a tool that does a lot of the heavy lifting for us, as the users.


Please feel free to take a look at the rest of the wiki. Jump to

Installation if you want to know how to install wenum

Configuration if you want to know details about every possible option wenum offers

Examples if you want to see different things that you can do with wenum

FAQ if you want to read up on some commonly occurring questions

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