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Andrew Reisner edited this page Jun 10, 2013 · 9 revisions

1. Software

If you wish to use the bootable flash drive image you can skip to hardware setup.


  • python2
  • blender >= 2.5
  • Qt Development libraries
  • PyQt
  • git (not necessary, but simplifies updating)

Obtain the tractor-drive project

Option 1.

git clone
# find latest version from following command
git tag
# checkout the last version (if the latest version was v0.1.0)
git checkout v0.1.0

Option 2.

If you do not have git, you can download the latest version as a zip file (this will not be compatible with the update program, so you will have to repeat these steps after each release).

Go to

Switch to latest version by selecting the latest tag:

Tag Selection

Click on the zip download icon:

Zip Download

2. Hardware


Download and install the Arduino IDE:

Programming the Arduino

  1. Open the sketch tractor-drive/arduino/tractor_drive/tractor_drive.pde with the Arduino IDE.
  2. Compile the sketch (ctrl-r or the verify/compile button).
  3. Upload the sketch (ctrl-u or the upload button).

Connect the Arduino to the system

Once the Arduino is programmed, it can be connected to the steering wheel and the computer that will run the project.

The steering wheel has a potentiometer which will have three small wires coming from it. One of the outside wires should be connected to Ground (gnd) and the other to 5v on the Arduino. The center wire should be connected to Analog pin 0.

Arduino Wiring

If you are not using the bootable flash drive to run the system, you will need to copy tractor-drive/arduino/udev/90-tractor-wheel.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d.