Go Client for running Apache Airflow CLI commands on AWS MWAA (Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow) instances.
Built to give a client like experience for MWAA, utilizing the Apache Go Client objects.
Test locally using the following env and ssh tunnel configuration
export HTTPS_PROXY="socks5://0:8080"
ssh -D 8080 -C -N [email protected]
Create a mwaa service session and pass it to the NewCLI constructor
sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
// Create a MWAA client with additional configuration
svc := mwaah.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion("example-region-1"))
// create a new client without autoRefresh = false; lazily refresh cli token
cli := mwaah.NewClient(*svc, &mwaaName, false)
dagRun := airflow.NewDAGRun()
newRunId := "example-run-id"
targetDagId := "example-dag-id"
dagRun.SetConf(map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar", "blah": 1234})
newDagRun, err := cli.NewDagRun(*dagRun)
if err != nil {
} else {
d, _ := json.Marshal(newDagRun)
dst := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := json.Indent(dst, d, "", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("newDagRun:\n %v\n", newDagRun)
"conf": {
"blah": 1234,
"foo": "bar"
"dag_id": "example-dag-id",
"dag_run_id": "example-run-id",
"execution_date": "2022-11-17T16:08:12Z",
"external_trigger": true
dagState, err := cli.GetDagState(newDagRun.GetDagId(), newDagRun.GetExecutionDate())
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("dagState: %+s", &dagState)
dagState: running
Version | Command |
v2.0+ | connections add |
v2.0+ | connections delete |
v2.0+ | dags delete |
v2.2.2 | dags list |
v2.0+ | dags list-jobs |
v2.2.2 | dags list-runs |
v2.0+ | dags pause |
v2.0+ | dags report |
v2.0+ | dags show |
v2.0+ | dags state |
v2.0+ | dags trigger |
v2.0+ | dags unpause |
v2.0+ | providers behaviours |
v2.0+ | providers get |
v2.0+ | providers hooks |
v2.0+ | providers links |
v2.0+ | providers list |
v2.0+ | roles list |
v2.0+ | tasks clear |
v2.0+ | tasks failed-deps |
v2.0+ | tasks list |
v2.0+ | tasks state |
v2.0+ | tasks states-for-dag-run |
v2.0+ | variables delete |
v2.0+ | variables get |
v2.0+ | variables set |
v2.0+ | variables list |
v2.0+ | version |
Copyright (c) Warner Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for license information.