👋 Hi, I’m Walizada 🌟 A passionate Mobile Developer specialized in Flutter!
👀 About Me 🎯 Focus: Building seamless and user-friendly mobile applications with Flutter. 🌱 Currently Learning: Advanced Flutter techniques and clean architecture for scalable apps. 🚀 Goals: To contribute to impactful projects and collaborate with other passionate developers.
💞️ Looking to Collaborate On Open-source Flutter projects. Innovative Mobile App Development ideas.
📫 Get in Touch 📧 Email: walizada.300@gmail.com 💬 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdulbaeswalizadah/ 🌐 Portfolio: http://walizada.vercel.app/
⚡ Fun Fact I believe in “Code once, impact everywhere!”, and I love exploring creative ways to solve problems with code.