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=== Migrate away from Final Tiles ===
Contributors: wpchill, silkalns
Tags: final tiles migrator, migrate to Modula, gallery migrator, migrate from final tiles gallery
Requires at least: 5.2
Tested up to: 6.6
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later

Migrate away from Final Tiles is the official migrator from Final Tiles Gallery to Modula Gallery

== Description ==

Want to change your gallery plugin and impress your potential clients with a fully customizable WordPress gallery plugin that's fully mobile responsive, doesn't slow down your website and doesn't require a single line of code to work?

If you're tired of lacking control over how your galleries end up looking, the bad image cropping, the lack of control over your photos, videos and how they look on mobile devices - you don't have to look any further. 

Modula **fixes all of the above** and more. Read on to see what we're all about.

= Unlock even more features with Modula Pro =

* Defaults Extension: easily create galleries with the same settings starting from a preset. Add a new gallery, select a preset previously created then just add your images. It's lightning fast to create galleries, without having to manually tweak gallery settings every time you create a new one.
* [Video Extension]( combine videos with images in your galleries. Works with YouTube, Vimeo and self-hosted videos.
* [Slideshow]( convert your gallery's lightbox view into a stunning slideshow.
* [Password Protect](( block access to your galleries by using a password. Great for giving access to your clients to specific gallery pages.
* [Slider](( convert your gallery into a beautiful slider. Slider can be synced with a thumbnail strip below it. You can switch it up by adding different elements to the slider: dots, arrows, a fade effect, infinite loop, center mode and more.  
* [Gallery Filters](( Allow your website's visitors to easily sort through your gallery by applying one or more filters to your images.
* [Albums]( create albums, add galleries, manage cover photos, show gallery titles, select hover effect, grid type, randomize album order, randomize album cover photo and display album image counts.
* [Deeplink]( you can create a unique (and indexable URL - as in Google can access and index this).
* [Image Loading Effects]( add animations: Rotate or Horizontally/Vertically animate the images on each page loads.
* [Hover effects]( access to over 50+ built-in image hover effects.
* Gallery Sorting: sort the images from your gallery based on: date created, date modified, alphabetically, reverse or random.
* Right-Click Protection: use it to prevent visitors from downloading your images with right-click protection. Also disables keyboard shortcuts for download images.
* Watermark: protect your photos by adding custom watermarks. 
* Advanced Shortcodes: you can dynamically link to specific galleries without creating pages for them by using URLs with query strings.
* Speed UP: using this extension you can optimize your images by reducing their file sizes, resizing them through ShortPixel's image optimization algorithms and serve them from StackPath's CDN (content delivery network). The result? A really REALLY fast website without the high costs associated.
* Import/Export tool: really great for moving your galleries to another site without jumping through hoops.
* Email support 
* Support and updates, included with each purchase, for 1 year.
>[Learn more about Modula Pro.](**

**the author was also very responsive with support**
>I had been searching for a gallery that lets me decide the size/cropping for EACH image. This cool plugin does exactly that!

**I don’t often leave reviews, but I really love Modula!**
>I’m a HUGE fan of the free Modula and the Pro version is WAY more amazing. I haven’t had any problems and I am confident their support would be responsive if I did. 

>Another happy Modula user. 

= Even more happy Modula users =
>1. I really like the plugin and would recommend to anyone want to create a cool gallery! Great and quick customer support, thank you for helping me solve problem!
>2. I had paid good money for the leading gallery plugin. But it didn’t create links of the photos so I could send people to a shopping cart for that image. Modula does. BIG advantage. Plus the customer service is top notch. Thanks Modula!
>3. There is a lot of gallery plugins but for some reason, they are not 100% masonry – they layout the photos often in an ugly way, and not at an even height. This plugin makes a perfect masonry, what is the main reason I use it.

Still not convinced? Check our what our [raving users had to say about Modula](



Not sure if Modula is the right gallery plugin for you? We encourage you to take a look at other gallery plugins, but one thing you'll notice is that **they all look the same...**

**Sick and tired of boring galleries? Make your own and stand out with Modula.** 
Galleries created with Modula don't always look identical. With the Modula custom grid functionality, you can easily adjust the size and aspect ratio of each individual image by dragging from the bottom right-hand corner in the gallery edit area. 
Custom grids give you greater flexibility over how you display the images on your website. Easily control the size and look of your gallery - choosing the images you want to stand out, rather than relying on an algorithm.
Yes, that means you don't have to worry about your gallery awkwardly cropping out your subject or your subject not being at the center of the image.

**Modula is the most powerful, customizable and easy-to-use WordPress gallery plugin** available because we give you the power to choose everything from the height and width of your gallery down to resizing individual images within the container that makes sure your images never exceed the content area. 

**Ease-of-use shouldn't mean sample/basic Galleries**
Modula has been designed to be user-friendly from the ground up so that users of varying WordPress experience can easily create the perfect WordPress photo, video and image galleries. 
If you don't want all the customization features, you can leave everything up to the algorithm, and if you do - they're there so you can easily choose gallery size, margins between images, the color and size of captions. 
If you can't seem to figure something out, you can always check our [documentation]( or [get in touch]( - we're always happy to help... 

== 3rd party or external service disclaimer ==

The plugin sends data (User action) to our website through an API Call (

The plugin connects to our website through an API call ( in order to request a list of available extensions.

**Modula Gallery does not send any data without consent or user action to our website, nor do we collect sensitive information from the requests.**

Our full privacy policy can be found [here](

== Installation ==

= For automatic installation: =

The simplest way to install is to click on \'Plugins\' then \'Add\' and type \'Migrate away from Final Tiles\' in the search field.

= For manual installation 1: =

1. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
2. Click the Add New button.
3. Under Install Plugins, click the Upload link.
4. Select the plugin zip file ( from your computer then click the Install Now button.
5. You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
6. Click the Activate Plugin link.
= For manual installation 2: =
1. You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed. If you don\'t, see your system administrator.
2. Copy the plugin zip file ( up to your server and unzip it somewhere on the file system.
3. Copy the \"modula-final-tiles-migrator\" folder into the /wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation.
4. Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your admin panel.
5. Look for \"Migrate away from Final Tiles\" and click Activate.

== Changelog ==

See <a href="" target="_blank">changelog</a>


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