vvv3d is c++ basic framework for creating 3d applications
- texture management
- geometry management
- shader programs management
- font management (ttf-fonts)
- simple text render (from utf strings)
- camera control (othographic, perspective projections)
- vector and matrices math
- frame buffer objects to render to textures
- texture atlasses
- input handling (keyboard, mouse)
- simple GUI
- text widget
- image widget
- button
- editbox
- panel
- layouts
- vertical
- horizontal
- freetype
- libglew
- boost-locale (for utf8 -> utf32 conversion)
- boost-gil (for image loading)
- sdl2 (for windows, input)
mkdir your-build-dir
cd your-build-dir
cmake {path-to-CMakeLists.txt}
See wiki