Releases: VolkovLabs/business-intelligence
Business Intelligence 2.5.0
This is a public preview release of Business Studio 2.5.0 compatible with Business Engine 2.5.0.
Business Studio 2.5.0
- Added Grafana version on environment page.
- Added cluster functionality and display cluster names on the sidebar.
- Added cluster load balancing page to show scheduled alert rules.
- Updated display colors in thresholds to match Grafana naming conventions.
- Updated in alerting since date to match alert history.
- Updated panel selection to display panel type in description.
Business Engine 2.5.0
- Added Grafana version check on every interaction and health check.
- Added API to update cluster name in environment settings.
- Added API to return load balancing configuration for cluster.
Business Intelligence 2.4.0
This is a public preview release of Business Studio 2.4.0 compatible with Business Engine 2.4.0.
Breaking Changes in Engine API
- Updated data routes from /grafana to /grafana-data.
Business Studio 2.4.0
- Added Engine environment management to update Grafana connection details.
- Added alert event details to review conditions and view as a code to troubleshoot issues.
- Added verification process for backend query operations in panels.
- Added high availability state in engines overview.
- Added enhanced scheduler for alerts to streamline the setting of alert rules.
- Added alert data preview for reviewing data frames in Grafana.
- Updated user interface messages and forms to include more context and specifics.
Business Engine 2.4.0
- Added API to update Grafana configuration in real-time.
- Added API to get alert event details.
- Added API to get high availability state.
- Added API to get alert data preview.
- Updated alert event structure for consistency.
Business Intelligence 2.3.0
This is a public preview release of Business Studio 2.3.0 compatible with Business Engine 2.3.0.
Business Studio 2.3.0
- Added Engine Settings to update license token.
- Added results sample size to limit number of alerting rows.
- Added Code Editor to edit Action message template.
- Updated Alert conditions overrides.
Business Engine 2.3.0
- Added API to update license token.
- Added dynamic node identifier for high availability and load balancing.
- Added Alert rule parameter to limit number of evaluation results.
- Updated alert condition overrides.
Business Intelligence 2.2.0
This is a public preview release of Business Studio 2.2.0 compatible with Business Engine 2.2.0.
Business Studio is a visual tool of the Business Intelligence platform to manage Business Engines.
Business Studio 2.2.0
- Added Getting Started messages for new installations.
- Added descriptions to engines, alerts, and actions configuration.
- Added Engine Settings page to update connection details and token.
- Added Engine Environment page to display configuration.
- Updated release workflow to sign and notarize MacOS and Windows installers.
- Updated Overview pages to display alert statuses.
- Minor UI updates for engine, alert rules and action management.
Business Engine 2.2.0
- Added API to get environment info.
- Added API to get timeline of alert statuses.
- Added server and scheduler restart if database disconnected with fatal error.
- Updated Grafana health check for Cloud instances.
- Updated default log level to "log" to increase number of message for troubleshooting.
Business Intelligence 2.1.0
This is a public preview release of Business Studio 2.1.0 compatible with Business Engine 2.1.0.
Business Studio is a visual tool of the Business Intelligence platform to manage Business Engines.
Business Studio 2.1.0
- Major UI updates for engine, alert rules and action management.
- Added JSON highlights for the latest event in alert rules.
- Added auto application updater for MacOS and Windows.
- Added minimum Business Engine version check.
Business Engine 2.1.0
- Added Engine version for compatibility with Business Studio.
- Added default values for environment variables to make them optional.
- Added environment variable for custom database name.
- Added API to get history events for Overview page.
- Added API to get alert rules and actions by Id for updating in Business Studio.
- Updated support time ranges in Scenes dashboards for Grafana 11.3+.
Business Intelligence 2.0.0
This is a public preview release of Business Studio 2.0.0 compatible with Business Engine 2.0.0.
Business Studio is a visual tool of the Business Intelligence platform to manage Business Engines.
Business Studio 2.0.0
- Developed using a tech stack based on Electron and Tailwind UI.
- Allows to add and delete Business Engines connected to Grafana instances.
- Allows to add, update and delete Actions and Alerts.
- Supports for Light and Dark themes.
- Provides installers for MacOS, Linux and Windows.
Business Engine 2.0.0
- Developed using a tech stack based on NestJS framework.
- Supports Grafana 11 HTTP API.
- Uses Timescale database to store configuration.
- Uses Prometheus to store internal metrics.
- Supports distributed High-Availability.
- Allows to add, update and delete Alerts and Actions.