NHibernate Custom Type mapping to Json
This package allows you to map a model to a SQL column storing its contents in Json via serialization. It uses Json.Net for serialisation.
Using FluentNHibernate: Simply add a CustomType to your existing map class
public class ExampleEntityMap : ClassMap<ExampleEntity>
public ExampleEntityMap()
Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Map(x => x.Title);
Map(x => x.Json).CustomType<JsonColumnType<ExampleJsonModel>>().Nullable();
The package uses an internal worker class that has a few pre-set serialisation settings. All of these can be overridden with the standard Json.Net serialisation settings.
JsonWorker.Configure(x => x.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None);
As an extra, there is a configurable threshold character length that when your serialised model exceeds, it will become compressed. This increases performance and efficiency by reducing SQL storage space and network traffic.
You can configure this threshold via the following property:
JsonCompressor.CompressionThreshold = 2000;