This is an activity for DTLAB class about chapters 5-6 of DEVASC course.
You will work together to create a simple REST service that manages network devices. Different groups will cover different functionalities, as shown in the instructions below.
The app will provide 3 core functionalities:
- Managing switches: users will have a CRUD interface for switches;
- Managing routers: users will have a CRUD interface for routers;
Each group will find more instructions for its task in the issues section.
WARN The following are guidelines. You can discuss on how to implement your solution to accomplish the task.
The application uses Flask and Postgres. First of all, install project dependencies after creating a new virtual env using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start a Postgres instance using Docker. The application loads database configuration from .env
file. In order to start Postgres, look at the official documentation on Docker Hub.
WARNING database configuration must match with the one provided in .env
. Do not change variable names but only values (after = sign).
Execute the app with the command:
flask run
HINT to enable hot reload when developing, set FLASK_ENV
variable to development
. For example, on Linux:
FLASK_ENV=development flask run
Check if everything is working using the following command:
curl http://localhost:5000/test
or just open the browser at the /test
A CRUD interface is a set of standard operations that permits to Create, Read, Update and Delete data and represents the fundamental of a REST API.
Depending on what you have been assigned, open the correct file and create the requested endpoint. In each file, there is a variable called ~_blueprint
which holds the router.
Looking at the example routes and the documentation create the requested endpoint, minding that all routes are prefixed with a prefix specifified in
. For example, the switch endpoint is mounted at /devices/switches
which means that all requests that are going to hit the switches endpoint must match with this prefix. For example, a GET
request may look like:
curl http://localhost:5000/devices/switches
So everything added to the path will be appended to the prefix, for example a /all
endpoint will become:
curl http://localhost:5000/devices/switches/all
To test what you have done, use Postman as you learned in chapter 4.
Generally, an HTTP handler follows a standard structure:
- get request data: here you will have to look on how to get request data in Flask;
- validate request data: once you got data, you will have to assure that it is correct. Constraints are up to you! For example, you could make sure that an IP address or a netmask are valid;
- perform requested operations: in this phase, you will have to make what the request is about. For example, if the request is about storing a switch, now it's time to do it;
- return a response: based on what you have done in the previous step, you will have to return a response according to REST principles as HTTP codes.
Database access is implemented using Flask SQLAlchemy. Usage is simplified with classes provided in
Look at the documentation linked above and example below to learn how to perform simple queries.
Feel free to change everything as you want!
For example, to store a switch:
from models import db, Switch
switch = Switch(
hostname: 'switch1'
To query an object:
from db import db, Switch
switch = Switch.query.filter_by(id=1).first()
Serialization is about transforming an object into a string, so it can be send over the network as a stream of bytes. As it can be a very hard operation, every model in
offer a serialize method.
In order to return JSON object, you have tu use the jsonify
function from Flask library.
from db import db, Router
from flask import jsonify
router = Router.query.filter_by(id=1).first()
After finishing the implementation, it's time to commit new changes and submit a pull request to the central repository!
You can learn on how to submit a pull request here.
Complete these activities once you have finished previous steps. The following steps can be completed at home either in group or individually.
Use what you have learned in chapter 6 to write a Dockerfile and deploy the application using the container model.
Here you will have a problem. Once the application is running in Docker container, it is in an isolated enviroment in its own LAN. How does our server communicate with the database (which is in it's own container)?
HINT in Docker you can create virtual networks. Docker will provide DNS service for two hosts in the same network, allowing to specify the container name as the hostname. You may need to re-deploy the database.
Use what you have learned in chapter 4 and look at the documentation to protect your endpoint with JWT Authentication.
Based on what you have done in the lab 6.3.6 build a CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins.