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Install Visual C++ Build Tools using the Default Install option. Run the following commands (Required Once) [Note: Second command is required only for Windows]

npm config set python python2.7 npm config set msvs_version 2015

We need to start an instance of MongoDB. In my case it was sitting @ C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\mongod.exe


Run the following commands and the application will start automatically

  1. npm i -g grunt-cli (This creates and runs javascript repetative tasks )
  2. npm i -g bower ( A frontend package manager for web applications)
  3. npm i -g --production windows-build-tools (Only for Windows)
  4. npm i (Install all nodejs dependencies)
  5. bower i (Installs bower components)
  6. grunt serve


Store Front features

  • Single page web app (SPA) created using AngularJS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB (MEAN)
  • Fastest shop experience
  • Fast Product Search, Filter with AJAX
  • Price slider and multiple brand selector
  • Faster Add to Cart and Product Details
  • Checkout with Paypal Integration
  • Minimal User Registration process
  • Order history and Password Management
  • Facility for Multi level Category
  • Mobile optimized with Bootstrap
  • Instant updates for any changes made across all clients with SocketIO implementation
  • Loads more products on scroll (No paging required)

Store Back Office

  • Products, Categories, Brand, Order Management from admin panel with easy directives
  • Manage Order and Change Status from admin panel
  • Facility for Multiple product variants (size, color, price, image)
  • User roles - Administrator, User, Guest
  • SEO friendly URLs for each page
  • Secure and quality code - Takes care all single page web app standards


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