🏢 I’m currently working in Konverge as Senior DevOps Engineer
🌱 I’m currently working on Setting up infra using Terraform over AWS
💡 Hashtag that describes me #DevOpsEnthusiastic
💬 Ask me about DevOps Tools and Practices
📫 You can reach me at vijaygawate79@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact We guys automate stuff
📦 Terraform Templates for setting up 3 tier over AWS - Github
📦 GitOps pipeline on kubernetes - Github
📦 Setting up a DevSecOps pipeline to find bugs and vulnerabilites in the source code - Github
📦 Blue-Green deployment on ECS - Github
🎖 AWS Solution Architect Associate SAA CO2
🎖 Azure Fundamenatals AZ-900
🎖 GitOps Fundamenatals
🎖 Terraform Associate - udemy