Self Driving Vehicle Setup in Unreal Engine 4 (In Both C++ and Blueprints)
Path: VehicleNN2/Source/VehicleNN2/NN/
Path: VehicleNN2/Content/VehicleAdvBP/Blueprints/VehicleNNBlueprint5_5IP_Both_Simplified.uasset
In the CustomVehicle_NN_5_2.cpp file
- To toggle Training Mode, change the following bool value: ShouldTrain
The current build doesn't have the Throttle Inputs rigged to the Network, but can be done in a few steps, same as the Steering Inputs
- Create a simple 2-Parallel-Walls-Track-Builder Blueprint to train the Network for various tracks
- Add a save file to store training data
- Simply download the project
- Go to directory
- Open VehicleNN2.uproject