Hello to this project.
- each buy under 200Ron will be included into the next month rate to be payed.
- each buy more than 200Ron will be divided into monthly rates as follows:
- default rates are 6.
- some customers can offer you to buy in multiple rates.10-12-18,36...Not sure all these values.
- the app will produce an extras (report) once a month on 11 or 25.
After this date, the user will have to do the payment in the way he/she prefers:
- go to the bank and upload money into the "Robot"
- transfer online from mobile bank
The app should be able to:
- take each payment (Date, sum, no of rates, description)
- store this data and read it from "database" when has to do the monthly report
- list all transactions (products) with some details like: initial amount, rates, description, date, and current status of the transaction ( 4 of 6 rates returned) or completed in 6 rates at ...specify the date.
- grafice