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WIP catch exceptions thrown in any step expression
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Also fixes a repeat bug, where we only repeated a step's "run" if the
"run" itself returned a non-zero exit code. If an expect expression
failed, the step would immediately fail instead of being
  • Loading branch information
jonsmock committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent d9f54d6 commit c457948
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Showing 5 changed files with 131 additions and 52 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/push.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ jobs:
-v $(pwd)/examples:/app/examples \
dctest --results-file /app/examples/results.json examples /app/examples/00-intro.yaml \
|| true
jq --exit-status '[.pass == 4, .fail == 0] | all' examples/results.json
jq --exit-status '[.pass == 5, .fail == 0] | all' examples/results.json
- name: Run Intro + Fail Examples with --continue-on-error
run: |
Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ jobs:
-v $(pwd)/examples:/app/examples \
dctest --continue-on-error --results-file /app/examples/results.json examples /app/examples/00-intro.yaml /app/examples/01-fails.yaml \
|| true
jq --exit-status '[.pass == 5, .fail == 3] | all' examples/results.json
jq --exit-status '[.pass == 6, .fail == 4] | all' examples/results.json
- name: Run Dependency Examples
run: |
Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion examples/00-intro.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ tests:
FOO: bar
run: |
[ "${FOO}" == "bar" ]
repeat: { retries: 3, interval: '1s' }
- exec: node1
if: success()
run: echo "This will be run!"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,3 +68,21 @@ tests:
- step.stdout != "2"
- step.stdout == "3"

name: Repeat test
- exec: node1
run: rm -f repeat-test-file
- exec: node1
repeat: { retries: 2, interval: '1s' }
run: |
if [ ! -f repeat-test-file ]; then
touch repeat-test-file
echo -n 'Repeated successfully'
- step.stdout == "Repeated successfully"
- exec: node1
run: rm -f repeat-test-file
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions examples/01-fails.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,11 @@ tests:
- exec: node2
run: /bin/true

name: Test thrown exception in expressions
- exec: node1
FOO: ${{ throw("Intentional Failure") }}
run: /bin/true
136 changes: 89 additions & 47 deletions src/dctest/core.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,56 +174,98 @@ Options:
(merge {:stdout (S/join "" @stdout)
:stderr (S/join "" @stderr)}
(when code {:code code})
(when error {:error error})
(when error {:errors [error]})
(when signal {:signal signal}))))

(defmacro if-p->
"When expr satisfies pred, threads it into the first form (via ->),
and when that result satisfies pred, through the next etc. If pred
is not satisfied at any form, do not apply the form, and return the
expr at that point."
[pred expr & forms]
(let [g (gensym)
steps (map (fn [step] `(if (~pred ~g) (-> ~g ~step) ~g))
`(let [~g ~expr
~@(interleave (repeat g) (butlast steps))]
~(if (empty? steps)
(last steps)))))

(defn get-expect-error [context expect]
(when-not (try (expr/read-eval context expect)
(catch js/Error _ false))
{:message (str "Expectation failure: " expect)
:debug (expr/explain-refs context expect)}))

(defn execute-step* [context step]
(P/let [update-step-or-fail (fn [m k f & args]
(update-in m [:step k] #(apply f (:context m) % args))
(catch js/Error err
(-> m
(assoc :outcome :fail)
(update :errors conj
{:message (str "Error in '" (name k) "': " (.-message err))})))))]
(if-p-> #(= :pending (:outcome %))
{:context context
:outcome :pending
:errors []
:step step}

;; Skip step when "if" is false
(update-step-or-fail :if expr/read-eval)
(as-> m
(if (get-in m [:step :if])
(assoc m :outcome :skip)))

;; Evaluate env before everything else
(update-step-or-fail :env
(fn [context env]
(update-vals env #(expr/interpolate-text context %))))
(as-> m
(update-in m [:context :env] merge (get-in m [:step :env])))

;; Normalize and/or evaluate keys required for command execution
(update-step-or-fail :exec expr/interpolate-text)
(update-step-or-fail :expect (fn [_ expect] (if (string? expect) [expect] expect)))
(update-step-or-fail :index (fn [_ index] (or index 1)))
(update-step-or-fail :run (fn [context command]
(if (string? command)
(expr/interpolate-text context command)
(mapv #(expr/interpolate-text context %) command))))

;; Execute (with retries)
(as-> m
(P/let [{:keys [interval retries]} (get-in m [:step :repeat])
run-attempt (fn []
(P/let [results (run-exec (:context m) (:step m))
m (assoc-in m [:context :step] results)
errors (into (:errors results)
(keep #(get-expect-error (:context m) %)
(get-in m [:step :expect])))]
(if (seq errors)
(-> m
(assoc :outcome :fail)
(update :errors into errors))
(retry/retry-times run-attempt
{:delay-ms interval
:check-fn #(not= :fail (:outcome %))})))

;; Mark as successful
(update :outcome :pass))))

(defn execute-step [context step]
(P/let [skip? (not (expr/read-eval context (:if step)))]

(if skip?
(let [results (merge {:outcome :skip}
(select-keys step [:name]))]
{:context context
:results results})

(P/let [;; Interpolate step env before all other keys
step (update step :env update-vals #(expr/interpolate-text context %))
;; Do not leak step env back into original context
step-context (update context :env merge (:env step))

;; Interpolate rest of step using step-local context
interpolate #(expr/interpolate-text step-context %)
step (-> step
(update :exec interpolate)
(update :expect #(if (string? %) [%] %))
(update :index #(or % 1))
(update :run (fn [command]
(if (string? command)
(interpolate command)
(mapv interpolate command)))))

{:keys [interval retries]} (:repeat step)
results (retry/retry-times #(run-exec step-context step)
{:delay-ms interval
:check-fn #(not (:error %))})

step-context (assoc step-context :step results)
run-expect (fn [expr]
(when-not (expr/read-eval step-context expr)
{:error {:message (str "Expectation failure: " expr)
:debug (expr/explain-refs step-context expr)}}))
expect-results (when-not (:error results)
(first (keep run-expect (:expect step))))
results (merge expect-results results)

outcome (if (:error results) :fail :pass)
results (merge results
{:outcome outcome}
(select-keys step [:name]))
context (update-in context [:state :failed] #(or % (failure? results)))]
{:context context
:results results}))))
(P/let [{:keys [outcome errors step]} (execute-step* context step)]
{:context (update-in context [:state :failed] #(or % (= :fail outcome)))
:results (merge
{:outcome outcome}
(select-keys step [:name])
(when-let [error (first errors)]
{:error error}))}))

(defn execute-steps [context steps]
(P/let [results (P/loop [steps steps
Expand Down
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions src/dctest/expressions.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
"always" {:arity 0 :fn (constantly true)}
"success" {:arity 0 :fn #(not (get-in % [:state :failed]))}
"failure" {:arity 0 :fn #(boolean (get-in % [:state :failed]))}

;; Test status functions
"throw" {:arity 1 :fn #(throw (ex-info %2 {}))}

(def BEGIN_INTERP "${{")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,7 +287,16 @@ ExpectedInterpolation ::= InterpolatedExpression PrintableChar*

;; Recurse
(recur (zip/next loc)
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (read-eval context %2))
safe-read-eval (fn [context expr]
(let [{:keys [result error-msg]}
, (try
{:result (read-eval context expr)}
(catch js/Error err
{:error-msg (.-message e)}))]
(if error-msg
(str "<Error: " error-msg ">")
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (safe-read-eval context %2))

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