Releases: Verdex-Project/Verdex
v1.0.1: Hotfix
A small fix for some normally non-terminal bugs in the generation algorithm.
What's Changed
- Fixed infinite unique location identification loop in
by @Prakhar896 in #77
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.0.1
© 2023-2024 The Verdex Team. All Rights Reserved.
Verdex Version 1.0
Verdex Initial Release
This is the first release of Verdex, a revolutionary web application allowing you to generate sustainable itineraries with a click and share them with an in-app community excited about sustainable tourism with another. It is a massive project embarked on by @Prakhar896 , @JunHammy , @lincoln0623 , @Sadliquid and @nicholascheww for the App Development Project module in Year 1 Semester 2 of the Diploma in Information Technology course at Nanyang Polytechnic.
There's a 50% chance Verdex is in-action at; try your luck lol. For more information on Verdex, see its README.
Here's a high-level rundown of all features included in this first release:
- Itinerary Generation
- Unique algorithm to insert sustainable activities to do in Singapore and formulate an itinerary while prioritising attractions you want to visit too
- VerdexGPT chatbot tool to get suggestions and tips about travel in Singapore, helping you select your dream destinations in Singapore
- Account Management
- Quick and efficient sign in and sign up
- Ability to Sign in with Google
- Profile personalisation features (upload profile picture, change profile bio description)
- Identity management features (change email, change password, etc.)
- Itinerary Editor
- Granular itinerary customisation (adding/deleting days, edit activities)
- Real-time directions between activities from Google Maps
- Add your own activities to your itinerary
- VerdexTalks (Community Forum)
- Share your itineraries with others in the community
- Social interactions (liking, commenting, filtering by hashtag)
- Report misbehaving users
- Dark mode
- Admin Dashboard
- Manage and see an overview of System Health
- Manage users (change email, delete account, ban from forum, log out user)
- Generate reports of analytics data (various metrics about system usage)
- Reply to customer support queries
Integrations even we were surprised we pulled off:
- Route/map generation via Google Maps Directions & Embed APIs
- Sign in with Google ability via Google Identity Platform's OAuth provisions
- Cloud-backed database with Firebase Realtime Database
- Cloud-based identity management with Firebase Authentication
- Our own fine-tuned generative chatbot interface via OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model
This project was a milestone and a half for us, especially for a team most would consider comprising of beginners. We are proud of what we have made so far and we hope you like it.
What's Changed (Specific PR Notes with Incremental Changes)
- renamed hello_world to homepage by @Prakhar896 in #1
- Security pages and emailer class by @Prakhar896 in #2
- FireConn, FireRTDB, DI, Homepage by @Prakhar896 in #3
- Boot pre-processing flow by @Prakhar896 in #4
- FireStorage, Boot Pre-Processing by @Prakhar896 in #5
- 30 Dec PR (Latest commit: fixed bootstrap re-import and css bugs) by @Sadliquid in #6
- Completed html and css for editor page and itinerary completion page by @lincoln0623 in #7
- Created blueprint for generation process and new
webpage by @Prakhar896 in #9 - Account Sign In and Sign Up by @JunHammy in #10
- Minor changes after merging by @Sadliquid in #15
- Completed authentication and my account flow by @Prakhar896 in #17
- Completed itinerary generation with static locations by @Prakhar896 in #18
- New editor page for progress check, DI not integrated by @lincoln0623 in #19
- Fixed multiple bugs and added comment, deleting of comments, tagging and filtering features by @Sadliquid in #26
- Editor page's editor panel design, layout by @lincoln0623 in #27
- Created contact us form by @nicholascheww in #28
- Revamped frontend, backend and fixed bugs by @Sadliquid in #30
- Modal For Edit Activity Button by @lincoln0623 in #32
- Added email verification flow by @JunHammy in #33
- Fixed the form to start using DI by @nicholascheww in #34
- Added Change Password by @JunHammy in #38
- Fixed bugs, add activity button and share to forum button by @lincoln0623 in #39
- Edited frontend, completed accounts integration, completed itineraries integration and revamped usability and fixed bugs by @Sadliquid in #37
- Admin Console and User management by @nicholascheww in #42
- Makeshift itinerary generation by @Prakhar896 in #47
- Added reporting feature and revamped verdextalks frontend by @Sadliquid in #55
- Password Reset flow by @JunHammy in #54
- Adding add day and edit date features into Lincoln's Branch by @Sadliquid in #57
- Itinerary Generation Algorithm Complete by @Prakhar896 in #58
- Added profile picture and about me description to view account page. by @JunHammy in #59
- Google Maps API Route Application, Add Day,Delete Day& Change Date by @lincoln0623 in #61
- Added my itineraries to view account page by @JunHammy in #64
- Full-fledged Admin Dashboard Completed by @nicholascheww in #65
- Google OAuth Sign-In by @Prakhar896 in #66
- Completed Unified Flow by @Prakhar896 in #67
- VerdexGPT and Presentation Transform by @Prakhar896 in #74
- Hotfix by @Prakhar896 in #76
- @Sadliquid made their first contribution in #6
- @lincoln0623 made their first contribution in #7
- @JunHammy made their first contribution in #10
- @nicholascheww made their first contribution in #21
Full Changelog:
© 2023-2024 The Verdex Team. All Rights Reserved.