This repository contains the code base to extract tweets from Twitter using Twitter API , analyse and visualise tweets for discovering information hidden in plain sight (data , opinion mining and sentiment analysis).
- Login funcitonalities
- Username and Password
- Sign Up functionalities
- Username and Password
- Twitter API : Consumer Key and Secret Key
- View top trending tweets (Worldwide and specific countries)
- Provides Top 50 worldwide trending tweets
- Dataframe with Topic, Tweet Volume and URL
- Trending topics Wordcloud
- Extract Tweets with Recent search Twitter API
- From the current day to last 7 days
- Advance Twitter Search Query can be used
- Analysis of Twitter data
- Tweets preprocessing
- Metadata analysis (Wordclouds and Bar plots)
- Source
- Location
- Language
- Tweets and User description
- Ngram Analysis (Line and Bar plots) -Unigram
- Bigram
- Trigram
Sentiment Analysis (Naive bayes Algorithm) - Basic Approach
- Hashtag Analysis (Bar plots and Wordcloud)
- Username Analysis (Bar plots and Wordcloud)
- Twitter sentiments visualisations (Bar plots , Wordcloud , Interactive HTML graphs for sentiments visual)
- Sentiments topic analysis(Interactive HTML graphs for sentiments visual)
- Disqus form for better feedbacks and resolving errors.
- Mail address is also provided for better accessibility
The amount of time it took for me to build the first version of the usable application was just 2 days from conceptualisation of the idea to deployment. This was my first time development of a usable application.Streamlit is a must know tool for all python based Data App developers.
- Add description on how to interpret the graphs
- Structure the analysis based on a narration (!)
- Named Entity Analysis
- Correlation (?) (But how?)