The simplest way to get a Spotify access token and sync your Liked Songs library.
- Creates a TXT file with artist, song and album names.
- Creates a second TXT file that keeps an archive of all deleted songs (between syncs). If songs get reliked, they will be removed from the archive (Useful for accidental dislikes).
- Client ID and Secret of Spotify App for token generation
- Paste your client ID, Secret and scope in the script files (variables at the top)
- Follow getSpotifyTokenAuthCodeFlow() function's instructions (from getSpotifyTokens) to generate a refresh token
- Paste the refresh token at it's designated variable in SpotifyLikedSongsSync
- Run SpotifyLikedSongsSync whenever you want to sync your Liked Songs library!
- The liked songs TXT file will appear in the same directory
- The deleted songs TXT file will appear when the first deletion is detected
- The TXT files should be managed by the script, manual changes could create issues
- If you want to maintain the deleted songs archive functionality, don't move the TXT files (if you do, update the paths in the script)