The Upsonic is an platform that provide a Cloud Magic Layer to any python runtime. It a base for the datas on the python, like, functions, classes and variables. With this saving and the platform services you can easily solve the DevOps, productivity and deployment challenges.
{% hint style="info" %} These documents are under the beta and you are free to contribute to any section in the GitHub Upsonic Docs repositories. {% endhint %}
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Your can save anything in python to Upsonic Cloud.
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You can run any function or class in Upsonic Run runners. It's super fast isolated task-based environment. You can deploy your runner in 5 second in dashboard. Also the runners are automatically connect to your cloud. So you can access every datas in the cloud in runners.
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You can update any running code with Upsonic Run. Example, you can edit your cloud Django app in server.
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With Upsonic Readonly you can easily distribute the datas to your customers without write permission.
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With Upsonic Phantom you can easily encrypt your functions or any datas and these datas are coming from cloud in every call. So you can distribute your applications without the source code an encrypted running codes.