My dotfiles managed with rcm. System config files and list of installed archlinux packages managed with aconfmgr (see corresponding directory).
- terminal: st (suckless)
- shell: zsh
- terminal multiplexer: tmux
- text editor: neovim
- file manager: vifm
- graphical window manager (X11): i3
- web browser: qutebrowser
- media player: mpv
- email: aerc
List of all installed packages (sorted by categories): aconfmgr/
Here is mention of some things I'm proud of in my setup and think would be interesting for passers-by.
- git-fxa - script for making fixup commits by selecting target
commit with fzf (don't know about fixup commits? Read
- gcfx - vim helper for fixing-up to commit who latest changed line under cursor
- i3 binds for language translation "on the go"
- zsh aliases for often used pacman commands. Just a lil collection of good things in pacman in one place
- vim script for
pre-filling commit message context part in dotfiles repo (it adds
to start of each commit. It made me able do quick atomic commits while still maintaining clean history) - tmux binds without prefix key. This is the only way I was able to use tmux fast and without pain
- zsh aliases (this one best describes the whole system)
- i3 binds for taking inbox notes
- gather_inbox - script for gathering notes from all other devices (via git) (also this doing voice-to-text recognizing for voice notes)
- sync_to_relay and schedule
helpers - scripts used in termux on Android phone,
which are pushing inbox to relay server
- buy-show-and-pull - one more script for phone which shows buy list and pulls updates
- UnkwUsr/remind-done-tasks - helper scripts for dealing with repeating tasks in calendar managed with remind(1)
- I do listen to internet radio. This is cool for always having source of fresh music and makes possible finding new ones (of course I still have archive of "favorite" tracks). Here is my list of internet radio stations: UnkwUsr/radios_list . It takes time to collect something to your taste, but it's worth it
- UnkwUsr/rclip - clipboard manager with ability to save different clipboard entries (such as text or images), where each entry stored per file (also on AUR)
- UnkwUsr/dalarma - alarm clock that will block your screen with alarm text, forcing you to get up from the computer (also on AUR)
- UnkwUsr/nctok - TUI utility for interactive navigating through weighted hierarchical structured data and analyzing them (actually useful in unix-way style. Here is my usecases: nctok.zsh)
- Symlink all config files with rcm:
rcup -v
- Run ./ to install plugins for some programs
- Apply aconfmgr:
aconfmgr -c ~/.dotfiles/aconfmgr/ --paranoid apply
- Install vim-plug plugin manager
- Install plugins: type
in vim - Install neovim-symlinks
(aur package) to use command
instead ofnvim
- Workaround to store zsh configs outside of home directory:
echo "ZDOTDIR=\$HOME/.config/zsh" >> ~/.zshenv
- Set as default browser:
xdg-settings set default-web-browser org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop
- Set program for pdf:
xdg-mime default org.pwmt.zathura.desktop application/pdf
- Install dictionaries:
/usr/share/qutebrowser/scripts/ install en-US ru-RU