- Modular framework in 3 layers: core, hardware platforms, application (state machine based)
- Programmatic CAN Object Dictionary for compile time setup of CAN network PDOs
- ROS connectivity (example in X2 and X2DemoMachine)
- RT network communication (socket based) for external communication (example in M3DemoMachine)
- Logging capability
- Self-contained without external dependencies (cross-compilation ready)
- Support and code examples for: Fourier Intelligence X2, ArmMotus M1, ArmMotus M2 and ArmMotus EMU.
- Tested on Linux x64, BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi platforms.
What's Changed
- Improved X2 ROS support (@emekBaris)
- Addition of Technaid IMU support (@emekBaris)
- Generalisation of YAML robots parameters (@emekBaris, @vcrocher)
- Improved general documentation (@emekBaris, @justincmfong, @xinlianggunimelb, @vcrocher)
- Minor bug fixes
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1