You can create a custom Git command pushh by adding the following alias to your global Git configuration:
git config --global alias.pushh '!git add . && read -p "Enter commit message: " msg && git commit -m "$msg" && git push origin main'
To undo the last commit while keeping changes staged, use the undo alias:
git config --global alias.undo "reset --soft HEAD^"
To list all your Git aliases, add this:
git config --global alias.aliases "config --get-regexp alias"
To view the difference between the last two commits, add the following:
git config --global alias.diff-last "diff HEAD^ HEAD"
To quickly list all remote repositories, add this:
git config --global alias.remotes "remote -v"
To log view in a structured manner
git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --graph --decorate --all"