The bioinformatics platform eBIOINF of EBI, UMR CNRS7267 was founded at the end of 2012 with the aim of providing computational resources and knowledge for the processing of omics data from new sequencing technologies (NGS :Next Generation Sequencing). These omics techniques are genomics, metagenomics, transcriptomics and meta-transcriptomics This repository contains codes, programs and scripts developed or used in various projects and publications of UMR 7267 Lab.
Bouziane MOUMEN the head and the manager of the plateform.
A CNRS bioinformatics reseach engineer
Cores: 12 cores (24cpu)
RAM: 144Go
22To for data
Interactive node access
Cores: 24 cores (24cpu)
RAM: 265 Go
10 To for data
Interactive node access
Cores: 40 cores (24cpu)
22To for data
Interactive node access
8 nodes
3 To of shared RAM
Cores : 272 cores
13 Teraflops
20To for data
Slurm Job manager only
Cores: 4C
RAM: 12 Go
capacity of storage: 28To
12 Cores
RAM: 32Go
capacity of storage: 70To
Several VM: In demand.
coming soon
Coming soon