For more help on getting Apache, PHP, or the Editor itself set up, visit
For Linux users, note the following.
- Permissions: If you choose to store these files outside of your normal directory, ensure your symbolic link and physical folder have the same permissions. (Recommend 755 for folders and 644 for files)
- AutoUpdate: You can set the AutoUpdate file with the execute flag and run to pull the latest from git and fix permissions if any were changed.
Install Apache and PHP. You can get from and or get an all-in-one package such as XAMPP from
Configure Apache and PHP as needed, but make sure you allow short tags (short_open_tag = On). Also recommend you suppress STRICT, NOTICE, and DEPRECATED messages under error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED).
Unzip or checkout the files into your public html directory (such as /htdocs/peqedit) or set up an alias outside that directory if you desire.
From the sql directory, source schema.sql into your database. You should also source the expansions.sql into your database.
Rename config.php.dist as config.php. Then, open up config.php and edit the variables according to your database and needs.
Edit your .htaccess files in the editor root directory and the templates/iframes directory as needed to match your Apache version.
The default username/password for the editor is admin/password. If you want to add a user other than the default user, you can do so via the "admin" link, by the "logout" link, after you log in.
Open up index.php in your web browser and have fun!