Source codes of MCPE Clients!
Badman (Minigames & Anarchy)
DaDrip (Anarchy)
FatalityClient (another packet skid)
Fadeaway (minigames)
Ghost Client (Minigames & Surge's best friend)
Lunicornia (Skidded Horion)
Octo (shit)
Surge (Toxic owners, multi-purpose.)
Packet 1.16.201 & V2 (minigames, paying people and talking shit)
Plasmic (Legit)
Moon (External, Blatant)
Japan (Bad skid)
Victory+ (Crappy CPVP client)
NG Client (NickTros's horion fork)
Xalyfi Client(Worst BadMan Paste out)
Skidding (stealing code) is not a good thing to do. There is nothing stopping you from stealing code without crediting the original developers. But it is a very bad thing to do and you can get exposed very quickly. Some clients do not want you to steal any of there code credit or not.