E1000 driver in Rust for the Intel 82540EP/EM and 82574L Gigabit Ethernet.
driver for RISCV and x86_64 on Qemu is supported- Initialize simple PCI-Express for e1000 device
- Implement the e1000 driver as a linux driver module
- Todo: networking protocol support: IP, ARP, UDP
Initialize PCI and E1000 driver
pub struct Kernfn;
impl e1000_driver::e1000::KernelFunc for Kernfn { ... }
let mut e1000_device = e1000_driver::e1000::E1000Device::<Kernfn>::new(e1000_driver::pci::E1000_REGS as usize).unwrap();
Sending network packets
Receiving network packets
let rx_buf = e1000_device.e1000_recv();
cd src/linux
make ARCH=<cpu arch> KDIR=<path to linux>
# e.g. make ARCH=x86_64 KDIR=/home/rust/linux/build