The reference implementation was completed in Java using the Spring Boot using Travelport Universal API. The workflow this implemention is showcasing is the air price. Minimum fields to complete this workflow have been done using best practices in Java, TDD, and restful web services. The implementation is meant as a starting point for anyone to consume uAPI and additional modifiers can be added for additional business needs.
- Application.yml are the credentials that will need to be populated before sending a request
- Directory location of application.yml: uAPIPrice_Java\src\main\resources\application.yml
- The five fields to populate are: username, password, branch, core, and endpoint
- It is best practice to set these fields via environment variables
Travelport API type: uAPI (Universal API)
- Version: 18.2
- Schema: v_45_0
- Workflow: Air Price
- WSDL used for Air Price include: air_v45_0, common_v_45_0, and universal_v45_0
- Clone the project
- Open Eclipse and import the project into the workspace
- Open terminal on Eclipse: Go to Window/Show View/Terminal
- CD (change directory) to the root folder of the project where the pom.xml lives
- Run command "mvn install"
- Run as a "Java Application"
- All tests are located inside src/test
- Run by running as a "Junit Test"
Open postman and make a post request
URL set to: http://localhost:8080/buildfromproducts
Set headers for the request with:
- Key set to: Content-Type
- Value set to: application/json
You can view the request schema at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Example of a body for the request:
{ "OfferQueryBuildFromProducts": { "BuildFromProductsRequest": { "@type":"BuildFromProductsRequestAir", "PassengerCriteria": [ { "value": "ADT", "number": 1 } ], "ProductCriteriaAir": [ { "@type" : "ProductCriteriaAir", "SpecificFlightCriteria": [ { "@type": "SpecificFlightCriteria", "carrier": "F9", "flightNumber": "403", "departureDate": "2018-09-22", "departureTime": "10:22:00.000-06:00", "arrivalDate": "2018-09-22", "arrivalTime": "11:57:00.000-07:00", "from": "DEN", "to": "LAX", "cabin": "Economy", "classOfService": "G", "segmentSequence": "0" } ] } ] } } }
Click "Send"