Using this template to create a new Django app is easy: startproject --template= -e py,md,example,json,sh -n Procfile {{ project_name }} .
To create the app:
sudo dokku apps:create {{ project_name }}
Set your environment on the dokku server:
sudo dokku config:set {{ project_name }} DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE={{ project_name }}.settings.production
sudo dokku config:set {{ project_name }} SECRET_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
Install postgres and create a new database:
sudo dokku plugin:install postgres
sudo dokku postgres:create {{ project_name }}
sudo dokku postgres:link {{ project_name }} {{ project_name }}
To create and couple RabbitMQ:
sudo dokku plugin:install rabbitmq
dokku rabbitmq:create {{ project_name }}
dokku rabbitmq:link {{ project_name }} {{ project_name }}