This is a solution to the Product list with cart challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- Add items to the cart and remove them
- Increase/decrease the number of items in the cart
- See an order confirmation modal when they click "Confirm Order"
- Reset their selections when they click "Start New Order"
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- It's a responsive design from smallest to larger screen size based of the user(s) needs.
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 <script setup>
SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more.
Learn more about IDE Support for Vue in the Vue Docs Scaling up Guide.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS style
- json - object notation of js
- vuejs - js framework
- vite - Next Generation Frontend tooling
Thanks a lot to frontendmentor, I learned more how to design(Desktop, Tabletes, Mobiles) using css with Vuejs the progressive framework, and some basics syntax of json server like how to put, and get files, update, delete, and edit.
- Cornelio
- Frontend Mentor: @Timex29
- Twitter: @LlagasCornelio
- Linkedin: Cornelio(Timex)LLagas
I would like to thank you so much Frontend Mentor to giving me this challenge to expand my skills.
We value your feedback to make this project better!
- If you encounter any issues, please open an issue.
- Got suggestions? Start a discussion here.
- Feel free to reach out directly at [email protected].
Your input is greatly appreciated!
Have fun building! 🚀