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Think Pixel Labs

Best practices for commits and branch creation

When naming branches, it's important to use a clear and consistent naming convention to help you and your team members understand what each branch is for. Here are some tips for naming branches:

  • Use a prefix to indicate the type of branch, such as:
    • feat/ for new features
    • fix/ for bugfixes
    • chore/ for maintenance tasks
    • doc/ for documentation changes
    • test/ for test code changes
    • refactor/ for code refactoring
    • style/ for code style changes
  • Use a short but descriptive name for the branch that summarizes its purpose, such as:
    • feat/user-profile-page
    • fix/login-issue
    • chore/update-dependencies
    • doc/api-documentation
    • test/user-tests
    • refactor/payment-module
    • style/header-styling

Use lowercase letters and hyphens to separate words in the branch name.

Avoid using special characters or spaces in the branch name.

Here's an example of a well-named branch: feat/add-shopping-cart-functionality.

Some Basic Standards to maintain uniformity

  1. Use camelCase for variable names
  2. Use PascalCase for class, filenames and model names
  3. Use lowercase for folder names
  4. Use snake_case for database table names and column names
  5. Use singular names for models/tables
  6. Avoid using var keyword (use const and let keywords) and outdated syntax, avoid taking shortcuts
  7. Use async/await instead of then/catch for asynchronous code
  8. Use try/catch for error handling
  9. Avoid writing large functions in managers, use controllers for that
  10. Use Interactors for DB Operations
  11. Avoid cyclic dependencies
  12. Use Prettier for code formatting and linting
  13. Use JSCPD for code duplication check
  14. Use ExpressValidator for validation in routes
  15. Use console.error for logging errors
  16. Use Constants file for storing static values, avoid tables for such values
  17. Avoid using string comparisons, use Constants instead
  18. Use == instead of === for comparing values
  19. DO NOT USE wagner for any purposes, seek alternatives
  20. Use proper comments for functions and classes (use JSDoc if possible)
  21. Avoid cluttering different functions with different uses withing a single file/folder, make separate files/folders for different purposes

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