RAD Modules framework is written in TypeScript, based on Express and Awilix (DI container) development model.
RAD Modules provide many features. The list includes (but not limited to):
Quick scaffolding
Create actions, routes, and models - right from the CLI using Plop micro-generator framework.
Dependency injection
Static code analysis
User management and administration tools
Generic Filter — a component which allows users to create their own search conditions
Generic REST API
Keycloak/OpenID Integration
After checkout of a repository, please perform the following steps in exact sequence:
Copy docker-compose.override
$ cp docker-compose.override.yml.dist docker-compose.override.yml
Run watch
npm start
Run security service
npm run security
Run production integration tests
npm run security-integration
Open your browser and go to the swagger api docs: http://localhost:50050/api-docs/
On the swagger page, generate an access token via endpoint
good luck! 🔥
If you forgot to run builder run
npm run watch
docker-compose up security
Open your browser and go to: http://localhost:50050/api-docs/
You should see the swagger panel and request in terminal
This app is fully dockerized, so in order to use it you have to have docker and docker-compose installed. What's more you need to have npm in order to run npm scripts.
In order to run specific container run:
docker-compose up security
In order to watch files for dev purpose type:
npm run watch
If you need to close all containers run:
npm run down
We're using Plop for routes, models, actions, commands and handlers generation.
npm run plop
We're using Prettier and ESLint to keep code clean. In order to reformat/check code run:
npm run lint
npm run format
Migrations should be stored inside migrations directory of specific service.
Easiest way to create a migration is to generate it from entity/ies. Run inside specific service directory:
npm run generate-migration -- <migration-name>
This should generate a migration for all connected entities.
If you want to read more about RAD modules or check examples of how to set it up, please read the documentation
If you want to check all endpoint definitions of each service, please check RAD modules Redoc
If you notice any issues while using, let as know on github. Security issues, please sent on email
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.