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ahwm edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 12 revisions

Automatic Logging

Automatic logging is included. It can be enabled by adding the appropriate AppSettings keys:

  • Cardknox.Logging: enabled
  • Cardknox.LogLocation: ~/App_Data/Log/cardknox_{0:MMddyyyy}.log

The Cardknox.LogLocation key can be app-specific by prepending the ~ character or it can be absolute by omitting it.

  • Cardknox.LogLocation: /var/log/cardknox/{0:MMddyyyy}.log
  • Cardknox.LogLocation: C:\Temp\Cardknox\{0:MMddyyyy}.log

For the .NET Standard version only: if installing from NuGet, the System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager package will be added automatically. If installing from source or from the GitHub release, you'll need to install this package yourself.

The .NET 4.5 version does not have this requirement.

The sensitive card information (xCardNum, xCVV, xExp, xMagStripe, etc) will not be included for PCI compliance reasons.

Custom Logging

It is possible, beginning in 3.0.2-beta, to implement your own custom logging through the use of the RequestStarted and RequestCompleted event handlers. Using either of these will override and replace the internal logging for whichever event is implemented. If implementing both of these events, it will not be necessary to add the keys to AppSettings.

When implemented, it will look similar to the following:

using CardknoxApi;
using CardknoxApi.Operations;

public static void Main()
    Cardknox c = new Cardknox(new CardknoxRequest("", "", ""));
    c.RequestStarted += C_RequestStarted;
    c.RequestCompleted += C_RequestCompleted;
    CardknoxResponse resp = c.CCRefund(new CCRefund());

private void C_RequestStarted(object sender, CardknoxEventArgs e)
    // .. custom logging to file or database

private void C_RequestCompleted(object sender, CardknoxEventArgs e)
    // .. custom logging to file or database

CardknoxEventArgs contains the property Results which is a ReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> and is a copy of the data sent to/received from the Cardknox API. The sensitive card information (xCardNum, xCVV, xExp, xMagStripe, etc) will not be included for PCI compliance reasons.

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