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Selfbot Commands
Here is a list of the commands that come with the selfbot, and how to use them.
- Bans a user from a guild. Can input a mention, ID or name. Can specify how many days of messages to delete. (Needs "Ban Members" permisssion)
ban @user 3
will ban "user" and delete 3 days of their messages (Will only accept number of days between 1 - 9) (Default is 3)
ban 83010416610906112
will ban the user with the ID inputed from the guild (will delete 3 days of messages since the default value is 3)
ban someGuy
will ban the user with the name "someGuy" from the guild (less accurate if two members have the same name/nick, use with caution)
- Add emojis from URL's, remove or list emojis from the current guild. (Needs "Manage Emojis" permisssion)
emoji add potatos IMAGE_URL
will add an emoji to the current guild with the name "potatos" and with the IMAGE_URL as its image
emoji remove :potatos:
will delete the emoji "potatos" from the guild (if there is one)
emoji list
will list all the emojis in the guild
- Evaluates a snippet of javascript code.
eval self.user.username
will return your Discord username
- Shows all command names in console. (Didnt see the need to add in a "real" help command since the commands themselfs are on seperate files and explained on each file)
will log to console all command names.
- Kicks a user from a guild. Can input a mention, ID or name. (Needs "Kick Members" permisssion)
kick @user
will kick "user" from the guild
kick 83010416610906112
will kick the user with the ID inputed from the guild
kick someGuy
will kick the user with the name "someGuy" from the guild (less accurate if two members have the same name/nick, use with caution)
- Quote you or someone else with cool discord embeds. For user you can input a mention, and ID or a name.
me text
will quote some text without an author
me user text
will quote text with you as the author
me user someGuy text
will quote text with someone else as the author
Anywhere on the command you can use color=SOMECOLOR
which will allow you to set a custom color for the embed, if no color is set, the embed color will be the default color set in the config file. All options for colors are:
will randomly pick a color -
will get the color of the highest role the user mentioned or you have -
will allow you to set a custom color -
BASIC_COLOR_NAME are color names like: yellow, blue, gold, green
- Edits your nickname in a guild. Leave blank to remove the current nick. (Needs "Change Nickname" permission)
nick Boi
will set your nickname on that server to "Boi"
will reset your nickname on the current guild
- Copy-paste a meme text into chat. If an array is given it will choose one of its elements randomly. Options are: (Add your own in config/paste.json)
- edgyshit
- goodshit
- apache
- tableflip (this one is an array of tableflip emojis to it will choose one randomly)
paste apache
will copy paste into chat the "I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter." text
- Edits the message to "Pong!" to check if the bot is online.
will edit the message to "Pong!" and give you the time of response
- Edit your playing game name. Leave blank to clear game.
- Dont forget that when you edit your game with a selfbot you wont be able to see it, but other people will.
playing nothing
will set your game as "nothing", meaning people will see on your profile Playing nothing
will reset your playing game
- If you have auto game rotation set to "true", this command is pretty useless, cause if you use it, when the auto rotate comes, it will just override it. You can fix this by turning auto game rotation to false in config.json and then just setting a game yourself.
- Deletes messages sent by you from a channel. Need to specify a number of messages to delete.
prune 23
will delete 23 messages sent by you from that channel. (Supports PM's too)
- Set your status as streaming cause why not.
streaming something
will make you go live on twitch streaming "something"
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