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Add Currency Template Module.
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Signed-off-by: creatorfromhell <[email protected]>
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creatorfromhell committed Sep 2, 2023
1 parent 23d05b4 commit a5d3e20
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Showing 12 changed files with 848 additions and 0 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions Currency Templates/.gitignore
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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions Currency Templates/DIAMOND/Block.yml
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#Configurations relating to basic information about this currency tier.

#The singular name of this tier.
Single: 'Block'

#The plural name of this tier.
Plural: 'Blocks'

#Various options for this currency tier.

#The weight of the tier. E.X. 20USD would equal 20
Weight: 9

#The material used for this item.

#Configurations relating to crafting this currency tier.

#If custom crafting recipes for this tier are enabled.
Enabled: false

#Should the recipe be shapeless?
Shapeless: false

#The amount of the currency to return for this crafting recipe.
Amount: 1

#The materials that represent the characters used in the recipe option.
#Format: Character:Material Name
#Format For Currencies(only works on 1.13+ and if Shapeless is false):

#List of this recipe's representing characters.
#maximum of three rows, where a space is an empty slot for shaped recipes.
- " X "
- "XYX"
- " X "
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions Currency Templates/DIAMOND/one.yml
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#Configurations relating to basic information about this currency tier.

#The singular name of this tier.
Single: 'One'

#The plural name of this tier.
Plural: 'Ones'

#Various options for this currency tier.

#The weight of the tier. E.X. 20USD would equal 20
Weight: 1

#The material used for this item.
Material: 'DIAMOND'

#Configurations relating to crafting this currency tier.

#If custom crafting recipes for this tier are enabled.
Enabled: false

#Should the recipe be shapeless?
Shapeless: false

#The amount of the currency to return for this crafting recipe.
Amount: 1

#The materials that represent the characters used in the recipe option.
#Format: Character:Material Name
#Format For Currencies(only works on 1.13+ and if Shapeless is false):

#List of this recipe's representing characters.
#maximum of three rows, where a space is an empty slot for shaped recipes.
- " X "
- "XYX"
- " X "
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions Currency Templates/Diamond.yml
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#Configurations relating to basic information about this currency.

#The server this currency belongs to, for data saving purposes.
Server: Main Server

#The identifier of this currency used for various commands.
Identifier: DIAMOND

#The material name to use as the icon for this currency in
#the plugin menus.

#The singular form of this currency's major denomination.
Major_Single: Diamond

#The plural form of this currency's major denomination.
Major_Plural: Diamonds

#The singular form of this currency's major denomination.
Minor_Single: Diamond

#The plural form of this currency's major denomination.
Minor_Plural: Diamonds

#The character to use as the symbol for this currency.
Symbol: $

#Various options for currencies.

#Configurations relating to multi region support.
#This is where you can make your currency the different in various regions.

#Configurations relating to regions this currency is enabled in.

#The name of the world/region.

#Should this currency be the default in this world?
Default: false

#Configurations relating to global configurations for this currency.

#Should this currency be global?(i.e. usable in every world)
Enabled: true

#Should this currency be the global default?
Default: false

#Whether this currency is enabled.
Disabled: false

#The maximum balance possible for this currency.
# Maximum possible value: 900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
MaxBalance: 9000

#The initial balance for accounts.
#Will be used if no world-specific configurations are found if multiworld is enabled
Balance: 0

#The character to use as the decimal place holder.
Decimal: .

#The amount of digits to display after the decimal character.
#The maximum amount of places is 4
DecimalPlaces: 0

#The currency type to use for this currency.
#Valid Types: virtual, item, experience, mixed
Type: item

#This is used to determine how many of minor it takes to make one major
Minor_Weight: 100

#All configurations relating to item-backed currencies
#The current built-in types are mixed and item

#Would you like your item currency balances to also check the player's ender chest?
EnderChest: true

#Would you like your item currency balances to also check the player's ender chest?
Consolidate: false

#All configurations related to formatting.

#The format to use when outputting this currency into chat.
#The variables you're able to use here.
#<symbol> - The currency's symbol
#<decimal> - The currency's decimal.
#<major> - A combination of the currency's major amount and name
#<minor> - A combination of the currency's minor amount and name
#<> - The currency's major name.
#<> - The currency's minor name.
#<major.amount> - The currency's major amount.
#<minor.amount> - The currency's minor amount.
#<short.amount> - The currency's shortened amount.
#<shorten> - Added to make the outputted value shortened
# If shortened, it will ignore the value of Format.
#It's also possible to include all colour variables from messages.yml
# Materials: You can add <(material name)> to include counts of a material from a player's
#Example: <major> and <minor>
Format: <symbol><major.amount><decimal><minor.amount><shorten>

#The SI Prefixes used when <shorten> is used for the currency's format.
#TNE's default prefixes are based off of the Internation Bureau of Weights and Measures official list.
# along with a few addition shorts for above Nonillion.
#The order in which the characters are:
#Thousand - k
#Million - M
#Billion - G
#Trillion - T
#Quadrillion - P
#Quintillion - E
#Sextillion - Z
#Septillion - Y
#Octillion - X
#Nonillion - W
#Decillion - V
#Undecillion - U
#Nondecillion - N
#Nonvigintillion - ₮

#Whether the major value should be separated every three numeric places.
Major_Separate: true

#The separator to use for numeric separation.
Major_Separator: ','

#All configurations relating to currency notes.

#Whether this currency is able to be noted using the note command
Notable: false

#The fee to note this currency.
Fee: 0.0

#The minimum amount required to create a note for this currency.
Minimum: 0.0

#Configurations relating to the note item.

#The material to use.
Material: PAPER

#The custom model data value used for this item. Defaults to 0.
#ModelData: 0

#The base64 texture to use if the material is PLAYER_HEAD
Texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDA0NzE5YjNiOTdkMTk1YTIwNTcxOGI2ZWUyMWY1Yzk1Y2FmYTE2N2U3YWJjYTg4YTIxMDNkNTJiMzdkNzIyIn19fQ==

#All configurations relating to enchantment identification for the note item
#The format is - enchantment name
- example_enchant

#All configurations relating to item flags identification for the note item
#The format is - item flag
- example_flag

#Example currency conversion.
#Format is currency name and decimal based rate
#In this USD converts to double Example currency so 1 USD is 2 Examples
#USD: 2
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions Currency Templates/EMERALD/Block.yml
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#Configurations relating to basic information about this currency tier.

#The singular name of this tier.
Single: 'Block'

#The plural name of this tier.
Plural: 'Blocks'

#Various options for this currency tier.

#The weight of the tier. E.X. 20USD would equal 20
Weight: 9

#The material used for this item.

#Configurations relating to crafting this currency tier.

#If custom crafting recipes for this tier are enabled.
Enabled: false

#Whether or not this recipe is shapeless.
Shapeless: false

#The amount of the currency to return for this crafting recipe.
Amount: 1

#The materials that represent the characters used in the recipe option.
#Format: Character:Material Name

#List of this recipe's representing characters.
#maximum of three rows, where a space is an empty slot for shaped recipes.
- "XYX"
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions Currency Templates/EMERALD/Ingot.yml
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#Configurations relating to basic information about this currency tier.

#The singular name of this tier.
Single: 'Emerald'

#The plural name of this tier.
Plural: 'Emeralds'

#Various options for this currency tier.

#The weight of the tier. E.X. 20USD would equal 20
Weight: 1

#The material used for this item.
Material: 'EMERALD'

#Configurations relating to crafting this currency tier.

#If custom crafting recipes for this tier are enabled.
Enabled: false

#Should the recipe be shapeless?
Shapeless: false

#The amount of the currency to return for this crafting recipe.
Amount: 1

#The materials that represent the characters used in the recipe option.
#Format: Character:Material Name
#Format For Currencies(only works on 1.13+ and if Shapeless is false):

#List of this recipe's representing characters.
#maximum of three rows, where a space is an empty slot for shaped recipes.
- " X "
- "XYX"
- " X "

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