To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
TCBKeychainManager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'TCBKeychainManager'
If pods path is not found, You can either add: source ''
in your Podfile
. Or use this format:
# This will always pull the latest. You'll not be able to set a specific version
pod 'TCBKeychainManager', :git => ''
Sample usage of class managers for specific purposes, nescessary config changes are expected from integrators:
Sample constructor for adding an Item
to the Keychain
var manager = TCBKeychainStoreAddManager<TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeGenericPassword>(itemType: .genericPassword)
do {
let passwordData = "test_account_password".data(using: .utf8)!
try manager.addValue(for: .account, value: "test_account")
try manager.addValue(for: .password, value: passwordData)
let addResult = try manager.saveItem()
print("\nAdd Status: \(addResult.description!)")
} catch {
if let error = error as? TCBKeychainStoreStatus {
print("manager: \(error.description!)")
Sample constructor for updating an Item
from the Keychain
var manager = TCBKeychainStoreUpdateManager<TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeGenericPassword, TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeSearchQuery>(itemType: .genericPassword)
do {
let password = "test_account_password_\(Int.random(in: 0..<9999))"
let passwordData = .utf8)!
try manager.addQuery(for: .account, value: "test_account")
try manager.addValueToUpdate(for: .password, value: passwordData)
let updateResult = try manager.updateItem()
print("\n\nUpdate Result: \(updateResult.description!)")
} catch {
if let error = error as? TCBKeychainStoreStatus {
print("\n\n manager: \(error.description!)")
var manager = TCBKeychainStoreSearchManager<TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeGenericPassword, TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeSearchQuery>(itemType: .genericPassword)
do {
try manager.addSearchValue(for: .account, value: "test_account")
// `TCBKeychainStoreItemReturnType` desired keychain item return format, this can be combine to each other availabl formats.
// like so:
manager.addReturnType(with: .attributes)
manager.addReturnType(with: .data)
manager.addReturnType(with: .reference)
manager.addReturnType(with: .persistentReference)
// or
manager.addReturnType(with: .attributes)
let searchedResult = try manager.searchItem()
print("\nFound Result: \(searchedResult)")
if let searchedResult = searchedResult.item as? [String: Any], let pwdData = searchedResult[TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeGenericPassword.password.attributeKey] as? Data, let password = String(data: pwdData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) {
print("\n\nFound Password: \(password)")
} catch {
if let error = error as? TCBKeychainStoreStatus {
print("\n\n manager: \(error.description!)")
Sample constructor for deleting an Item
from the Keychain
var manager = TCBKeychainStoreDeleteManager<TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeGenericPassword, TCBKeychainStoreItemAttributeSearchQuery>(itemType: .genericPassword)
do {
try manager.addQuery(for: .account, value: "test_account")
let deleteResult = try manager.deleteItem()
print("\n\nDelete Result: \(deleteResult.description!)")
} catch {
if let error = error as? TCBKeychainStoreStatus {
print("\n\n manager: \(error.description!)")
Neil Francis Ramirez Hipona, [email protected]
TCBKeychainManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.