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Quick Start

Scheduling BSC Incremental Load Into Snowflake via Docker Container

  1. Clone the repository and change directory to the cloned repo
  2. Run
docker build . -f Dockerfile_bsc -t incremental_bsc_load
  1. Run
docker run \ 
  -e SAYN_CREDENTIAL_warehouse='your_snowflake_credentials' \ 
  incremental_bsc_load \ 
  sayn run -t group:create_bsc_tables -t group:extract_bsc -d

Note: For a quick single test run, command in part 3 should be change to this

docker run \
  -e SAYN_CREDENTIAL_warehouse='your_snowflake_credentials' \
  -e SAYN_PARAMETER_is_test='true' \
  -e SAYN_PARAMETER_schema='{"logs":"test_logs", "staging":"test_staging", "models":"test_models", "viz":"test_viz"}' \ 
  incremental_bsc_load \
  sayn run -t group:create_bsc_tables -t group:extract_bsc -d

Scheduling Ethereum Incremental Load Into Snowflake via Docker Container

  1. Clone the repository and change directory to the cloned repo
  2. Run
docker build . -f Dockerfile_eth -t incremental_eth_load
  1. Run
docker run \
  -e SAYN_CREDENTIAL_warehouse='your_snowflake_credentials' \ 
  -e SAYN_PARAMETER_blockchain='your_node_locations' \ 
  incremental_eth_load \ 
  sayn run -t group:create_eth_tables -t group:extract_eth -d

Note: For a quick single test run, command in part 3 should be change to this

docker run \ 
  -e SAYN_CREDENTIAL_warehouse='your_snowflake_credentials' \ 
  -e SAYN_PARAMETER_blockchain='your_node_locations' \ 
  -e SAYN_PARAMETER_is_test='true' \
  -e SAYN_PARAMETER_schema='{"logs":"test_logs", "staging":"test_staging", "models":"test_models", "viz":"test_viz"}' \ 
  incremental_eth_load \ 
  sayn run -t group:create_eth_tables -t group:extract_eth -d

Retrieving Snowflake Data via Docker Container

  1. Clone the repository and change directory to the cloned repo
  2. Run
docker build . -t get_snowflake_data
  1. Run
docker run \
  -e SAYN_CREDENTIAL_warehouse='your_snowflake_credentials' \ 
  -v path_to_save_to:/app/data_downloads \ 
  get_snowflake_data \ 
  sayn run -t group:data_dump

Variable Explanation

path_to_save_to = local path to save the tables to

your_snowflake_credentials = this should be changed to your snowflake credentials in JSON format

your_node_locations = this should be changed to a list of your node locations in JSON format

Credentials Structure

  "type": "snowflake",
  "account": "part before snowflakecomputing in the snowflake url e.g. account = abc100 if url =",
  "user": "your username",
  "password": "your password",
  "database": "THEAPIS",
  "warehouse": "COMPUTE_WH",
  "role": "ETL"

Blockchain Node Locations Structure

  "bsc": ""
  "eth": "path to your local ethereum node"

When using a local node, the values above is expected to be a standard unix path (eg: /var/ipc/ethereum.ipc).

Test Values Parameter (Optional)


  "start_block": "your start block number for testing"
  "end_block": "your end block number for testing"

Note: start_block and end_block are integers not strings

This parameter can be modified to change start and end blocks of a test (not specifying this parameter will result in a default test)

You can add this parameter after the docker run command, e.g. docker run -e SAYN_PARAMETER_test_values='your_test_values'...

Running Locally

You will need to create a settings.yaml file, with the following structure:

Example settings.yaml

default_profile: test

      warehouse: snowflake
      user_prefix: ""
        logs: analytics_logs
        staging: analytics_staging
        models: analytics_models
        viz: analytics_viz

      warehouse: snowflake

      user_prefix: your_initials
      is_test: true
        start_block: your_test_start_block
        end_block: your_test_end_block
        logs: test_logs
        staging: test_staging
        models: test_models
        viz: test_viz
        - logs.ethereum_contracts
        - logs.ethereum_transactions
        - logs.ethereum_methods
        - logs.ethereum_blocks
        - logs.bq_ethereum_token_transfers
        - logs.bq_ethereum_tokens
        - logs.bq_ethereum_contracts
        - staging.stg_ethereum_token_transfers_cast
        - models.top_100_tokens

    type: snowflake
    account: "part before snowflakecomputing in the snowflake url e.g. account = abc100 if url ="
    user: "your username"
    password: "your password"
    database: THEAPIS
    warehouse: COMPUTE_WH
    role: ETL