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About UFO models

UFO is the abbreviation of Universal FeynRules Output. UFO models are used to digitally store detailed information about the Lagrangian of a quantum field theory, such as names, PDG IDs, and physical properties of elementary particles, relevant parameters (like coupling strengths), and vertices associated with Feynman Diagrams. They are developed as self-sustained Python libraries and can be used by Monte Carlo event generators such as MadGraph to simulate physics processes in a collider experiment. UFO models are widely used in the context of the BSM theories.

Further details about the content and format of UFO models can be found in the article: UFO – The Universal FeynRules Output. Also, you can find examples of different UFO models in this webpage:

About FAIR principles

FAIR stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. FAIR principles were originally proposed in this paper as domain-agnostic guidelines on preservation and management of scientific data. These principles have also been interpreted in the context of other digital objects like research software, machine learning (ML) models, notebooks etc. These guidelines focus on persistent preservation of such contents so that they are well-preserved, easily found, and reused, with additional emphasis on improving the ability of machines to automatically search and use digital contents and aims to help users better access and reuse those existing data. For more information of FAIR principles, you can visit GO FAIR.

Domain specific interpretation of FAIR principles in the context of different kinds of digital objetcs are being investigated by multiple groups. For instance, the FAIR4HEP group focuses on identifying the best practices to make data and ML models FAIR in high energy physics.

About this repository

Like any other digital content, UFO models have software and platform dependencies, require version controlling, and can benefit from a unified way of preserving and distributing these resources. This FAIR-principle guided repository has been developed as a comprehensive tool to automate the persistent preservation and dispersion of UFO models and their corresponding metadata, creating a reliable and persistent bridgeway between the developers and users of such models. The primary content of this repository are three python scripts: and for uploading UFO models and for downloading UFO modelss.

Model Validation, Metadata Generation, and Preservation

Developers can use or to validate the structure and content as well as publish their models with persistent Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). When provided with the model files and some basic model inforamtion, the Upload function can examine the validation of model files, generate metadata in the formal of a json file for the model, publish the model to Zenodo, and make the metadata available via another repository UFOMetadata for preservation.


You need to do a series of preparation work before being able to use the Upload function

Environment Build

A Python virtual environment is recommended for executing or in command line interface. Necessary Python packages need to be installed. The Python2 support is enabled since many of the existing UFO models have been developed in Python2 and still used as is or with conversion locally performed by Python version conversion tools provided as plug-ins with Monte Carlo Generator Softwares like MadGraph.

To run the script with Python3 (i.e. to use, one needs to build a Python3 virtual environment. You can do it with

$ python3 -m venv Your_virtual_envirenment_name

to create a Python3 virtual environment directly in your working environment;then, use

$ . Your_virtual_envirenment_name/bin/activate

to activate your envirenment. After that, install neccessary packages,

(Your_virtual_envirenment_name)$ pip install requests PyGithub termcolor

To run the script with Python2 (i.e. to use, one needs to build a Python2 virtual environment within a Python3 supported system. This needs installing the virtualenv package:

$ python3 -m pip install virtualenv

Then, construct the virtual environment and activate the environment in a similar way,

$ virtualenv --python=python2.7 Your_virtual_envirenment_name
$ . Your_virtual_envirenment_name/bin/activate

After that, install necessary packages in the same way,

(Your_virtual_envirenment_name)$ python -m pip install requests PyGithub termcolor

File Preparation

To use the Upload function you need to create a directory Your_Model_Folder that will contain the UFO model as a compressed folder with extensions (.tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .zip) or as a directory itself. An additional json file called metadata.json is needed to provide basic information about the model.

For compressed folders, tarball and zip are accepted with UFO model python scripts inside the folder.



   --Your_Model Folder

For metadata.json, some basic information is required. You can see the requirements in this example. For author information in metadata.json, affiliation and contact are optional, but at least one contact is needed. It also requires a reference to an associated publication (either an arxiv Id or a DOI) that contains the necessary physics details and validation.


After everything being set up, you can download or, put it in your current working directory and execute it. The Upload function provides developers with 5 choices: 'Validation Check', 'Generate metadata', 'Upload model', 'Update new version', and 'Upload metadata to GitHub'

Uploadv2/ can deal with multiple models in single execution. Developers need to prepare a .txt file containing paths to their models, each path lies in a single line, for example, in the .txt file


The script runs in an interactive manner, requirung the user to provide the path to the .txt file containing paths to models:

$ Please enter the path to a text file with the list of all UFO models: Path_to_txt

Validation Check

To check the validation of your model, use

$ python2/3 Uploadv2/ 'Validation Check'

in command line.

Then, Uploadv2/ will first check your file preparation, like whether your folder contains only two files required, and whether your metadata.json contains necessary information. After that,your model's validation will be checked. Your model will be checked whether it can be imported as a complete python package, since event generators require model input as a complete python package. After that, Uploadv2/ will read through your necessary model dependent files, check the completeness of those files and generate basic model-related information, such as particles defined in your model, number of vertices defined in your model.

Generate metadata

To generate new metadata of your model, use

$ python2/3 Uploadv2/ 'Generate metadata'

in command line.

Then, Uploadv2/ will go through the validation check of your model and output necessary model-related information. Then, some information is required from developers:

$ Please name your model: Your model name
$ Please enter your model version: Your model version

Note that the model will be given a default DOI of 0 in the enriched metadata unless the Model doi field is already present in the initial metadata. If you are using this functionality for a model for which a DOI already exists, you should provide that information in the initial metadata file.

The new enriched metadata json file will be created inside Your_Model_Folder.


You can see an example enriched metadata file stored in the UFOMetadata repository.

Upload model

To publish the model to Zenodo and push the metadata file to another repository UFOMetadata for preservation, use

$ python2/3 Uploadv2/ 'Upload model'

At the beginning, your Zenodo personal access token and your GitHub personal access token will be required. These inputs use getpass() to ensure the safety.

$ Please enter your Zenodo access token: Your Zenodo personal access token
$ Please enter you Github access token: Your Github personal access token 

For your Zenodo personal access token, deposit:actions and desposit:write should be allowed.

Then, Uploadv2/ will go through the validation check of your model, generate the enriched metadata, and then use the Zenodo API to publish your model to Zenodo and get a DOI for your model.

During the upload, your need to name your model/give title of your upload. Other neccessary information, creators and description, will be directly from your metadata.json.

$ Please name your model: Your model name
$ Please enter your model version: Your model version

If everything goes well, you can see a new draft in your Zenodo account. A reserved Zenodo DOI will be created. The new metadata file will be created in Your_Model_Folder. After that, the UFO Models Preservation repository used for metadata preservation will be forked in your Github account, the new metadata will be added.

Note: If you forked UFOMetadata before, make sure that your forked branch is up-to-date with orginal one.

Before finally publishing your model and uploading new enriched metadata to GitHub, you can make some changes to your Zenodo draft. And you can choose whether to continue

$ Do you want to publish your model and send your new enriched metadata file to GitHub repository UFOMetadata? Yes or No: Yes, or No

If you choose Yes, your model will be published to Zenodo, a pull request of your new enriched metadata will be created. A CI-enabled autocheck will run when pull request is made. This check may last for 5 minutes to make sure that model's DOI page is avaliable. If any problem happens, please contact Zijun Wang ([email protected]) or Avik Roy ([email protected]).

If you choose No, you can publish your model by yourself. You can visit the associated Zenodo draft, edit it and publish. Afterwards, you can create the pull request to add your enriched metadata to UFOMetadata by yourself, or send your enriched metadata file to Zijun Wang ([email protected]) or Avik Roy ([email protected]).

Update new version

If you previously uploaded your model to Zenodo and want to update a new version of your model, use

$ python2/3 Uploadv2/ 'Update new version'

To allow this functionality, your initial metadata.json needs to add a new key-value pair

"Existing Model Doi": "Zenodo-issued concept-DOI for your model"

The concept-DOI is a unique identifier issued by Zenodo to access all available versions of the model and always resolves to the latest version.

Afterwards, Upload script will work in a way similar to what it would do with 'Upload model'.

Upload metadata to GitHub

If you previously uploaded your model to Zenodo and want to create an enriched metadata for your model and upload metadata to GitHub, use

$ python2/3 Uploadv2/ 'Upload metadata to GitHub'

And you need to add a key-value pair

"Model Doi": "Zenodo DOI of your model"

in metadata.json. Your GitHub personal access token will be required for this functionality. The script will go through the validation check of your model, the enriched metadata file will be created in Your_Model_Folder. After that, the UFO Models Preservation repository used for metadata preservation will be forked in your Github account, the new metadata will be added, and pull request will be made.

Dealing with errors

You will be given feedback when most errors happen. If an error happens when you are uploading your model to Zenodo or uploading metadata to GitHub, it is recommended to delete the draft in Zenodo and the newly created enriched metadata in your forked branch before re-running Uploadv2/

Search and Download UFO models

Users can use to search for UFO models using the metadata preserved in UFO Models Preservation repository and download them from Zenodo.

Environment Build

The is developed only for python 3. A Python virtual environment is recommended for executing this script with command line interface.

In the Python3 supported system, you can use

$ python3 -m venv Your_virtual_envirenment_name

to create a Python3 virtual environment directly in your working environment;then, use

$ . Your_virtual_envirenment_name/bin/activate

to activate your envirenment.

The utilizes zenodo_get from David Völgyes, detailed citation information is included within the python script. To install necessary prerequisites, run

pip install requests PyGithub zenodo_get termcolor tabulate

Usage allows 3 choices for users: search for models, download models, or do both. In each step, your github personal access token is needed, and getpass() is used as input to ensure safety.

UFO Model Search

To simply search for UFO models, use

$ python 'Search for model'

After that, you will be able to search for UFO models you need. Currently, the supports search on four types of information through UFO model metadata files: corresponding paper id of the model, Model's Zenodo DOI, pdg codes or names of particles in the model.

$ Please choose your keyword type: Paper_id, Model Doi, pdg code, or name

Then, you can can start your search. For Paper_id and Model Doi, one input value is allowed. But you can input multiple particles' names/pdg codes, separated them with ','.

$ Please enter your needed pdg code: code1,code2, ...
$ Please enter your needed particle name: name1,name2, ...

Note: Your input particles should not be all elementary particles!!!

Then, you will get a feedback table containing metadata file name, model name, paper_id, and description of UFO models fit your search.

Also, you can restart the search.

$ Do you still want to search for models? Please type in Yes or No. Yes or No

UFO Model Download

To simply download UFO models, use

$ python 'Download model'

Then, you can download UFO models you need, by typing in their corresponding metadata file full name (.json is required) and separated them with ','. You can find the full names from your search feedback.

$ You can choose the metadata you want to download: meta1.json,meta2.json, ...

After that, you will be asked to create a folder, and all UFO models you need will be downloaded to that folder.

$ Please name your download folder: Your_Download_Folder

And the folder is under your current working path.

--Your current working path

Search and Download

To both search for and download UFO models, just use

$ python 'Search and Download'

And follow steps in UFO Model Search and UFO Model Download.


This work was done as a part of the IRIS-HEP Fellowship project for Zijun Wang under the mentorship of Avik Roy, Mark S Neubauer, and Matthew Feickert. The presentation is available at this link.

To cite this work, add to your bibliography-

Neubauer, M. S., Roy, A., & Wang, Z. (2022). Making Digital Objects FAIR in High Energy Physics: An Implementation for Universal FeynRules Output (UFO) Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.09752.

or use the following bibtex entry-

  title={Making Digital Objects FAIR in High Energy Physics: An Implementation for Universal FeynRules Output (UFO) Models},
  author={Neubauer, Mark S and Roy, Avik and Wang, Zijun},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.09752},


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