NET 8; C# ASP NET Minimal Web API; Blazor; EF Core; PostgreSQL;
from folder src
use command:
docker compose up -d
then go to http://localhost:8081
It is a simple client-server application that keeps track of users (CRUD).
Server starts from src/backend/ClientServerApp.WebAPI. Default local host is http://localhost:5000. Also, you can use swagger http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
layer src/backend/ClientServerApp.Client. for frontend.
WebUI starts on http://localhost:8081 (in development/production environment)
before you need to create docker network (bridge) appnet
for app.
use this command:
docker network create appnet
First. Deploy database (Postgres)
use this command:
docker run --net=appnet --name db-container -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1111 -e POSTGRES_DB=db_users -d -p 5431:5432 postgres
Second.Deploy backend from dockerfile
before you need to use command:
dotnet publish -o published -c Release
FROM AS runtime
WORKDIR /app/webapi
COPY published/ ./
CMD [ "dotnet", "ClientServerApp.WebAPI.dll" ]
docker build . -t webapi-image
docker run --net=appnet --name webapi-container -d -p 8080:8080 webapi-image
Deploy frontend from dockerfile
before you need to use command:
dotnet publish -o published -c Release
FROM AS runtime
WORKDIR /app/client
COPY published/ ./
ENV WEB_API_ADDRESS=http://webapi-container:8080
CMD [ "dotnet", "ClientServerApp.BlazorUI.dll" ]
docker build . -t client-image
docker run --net=appnet --name client-container -d -p 8081:8081 client-image